War Of Words. Poem by Nabakishore Dash

War Of Words.

Rating: 5.0

Words have enormous power,
cruel words can wreck and mar.
Caustic words hurt, instill hate,
no body knows their final effect.
Lovely and kind words
heal and bless,
sources of progress, sure success.
The body, mind and intellect
are given to us
to enjoy life.
We are sole determinants of
all our drives for excellent
as well as miserable thrive,
making them a home to
agonise is never wise.

Accidents in journey of life
is very common as
we are all humans.
Analysing the cause,
amending them for future drive, atonement for the same
and repentance are superhuman.
Let us avoid tiff, megalomania,
jeer, pedantry and frenzy.
War of words and retaliation
would spoil our time and energy.
We may have differences
that are common and natural,
can be resolved gently if our
attempt is honest and real.
May it be any forum, any level,
family, society, organisation,
War of words deviate us from
our main aim and destination.
We are all here in this site
to write poems that enrich
many minds, inspire others
and be inspired.
Our ego-consciousness
and some aspects of life
that have become habitual
but unnecessary must be shed.

Days change into weeks,
weeks into months,
months into years
and abruptly an end
would come to our life.
I appeal to all to refrain
from war of words,
leverage our talent and
altruism to strive for excellence, not strife.

Moult our old skin,
allow some new and fresh
means to radiate love,
happiness, gratitude,
overcome the challenges
with faith and patience
since all of us are in one
Our journey to soul- consciousness would help
us to come out of
myopic vision, mental agony,
comparison, competition,
vomiting our anger and hatred,
a true gadget for this new year
to bury the hatchets.

Let us forget and forgive for a agony and distress free life.
David Wood 23 January 2022

Everything comes from our own thoughts. From thoughts to words, from words to deeds, from deeds to habit where habit hardens into character. That's the problem.

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Nabakishore Dash 23 January 2022

You are fully correct dear Wood.I agree with you 100%But still there is a amicable solution.

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Nabakishore Dash 23 January 2022

In line 17, are replaces is, a grammatical mistake by me.

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