Nomophobia. Poem by Nabakishore Dash


Rating: 5.0

Mobile phone has
enslaved us almost
all times of the day.
Our one hand remains curled
even before the first sun ray.
We look into it
every now and then.
Whether moving alone
or in the midst of men.
Most of our daily chores
are done by it very fast.
With free Wi-Fi we roam
throughout the world.
It knows our secrets,
its SIM is our soul,
the rest of it is one
of our body parts.

Business, banking, teaching,
entertainment and what not.
All are possible
over finger touch.
Many friends in face book,
What's app.
No bosom friend
in our neighbourhood
to guide, attend and help.
No more hob-nobbing
with co-passengers
in travels and tour.
All remain engrossed
in their sets all over.

No doubt it has become
a marvellous device for all.
But eyes, ears, mouth and
brains work much more.
No time to take a full nap,
worries, restlessness
and blood pressure go up.
Mishaps, accidents occur
much more in
moving train and bus.
Fear of being offline(FOBO)
keeps us on our toes.
Hopefully little hands
would develop on ears
to carry the phones.
Our hands would be
free from carrying burden.

No longer nightmarish
is the missing of kids
and cash.
A mobile phone lost
or misplaced causes
untold immense distress.
Great anxiety over
phone-less-ness and
no inter net.
Not only a teen age addiction,
people of all ages
are captivated.

How to alleviate symptoms
of nomophobia,
a new and modern disease
of XXI century,
would be added
to our pharmacopoeia.

Nomophobia is a disease causing stress, anxiety, depression and hypertension.
Dr Dillip K Swain 29 January 2022

An adorable poem... appreciated the way you have expressed the pragmatic aspects of addiction to mobile phones...5 stars

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N, K. Dash 29 January 2022

Thaks so much sir.

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LeeAnn Azzopardi 27 January 2022

Yr words ring so true I can't help to look at this website Bravo!

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Nabakishore Dash 27 January 2022

Thanks for so quickness dearLeeAnn.

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Bri Edwards 26 May 2022

'Hopefully little hands would develop on ears to carry the phones.' YES! ! But my main phone is a 'landline' and my cell is an old flip phone/flipfone? It is NOT 'smart'; neither am I.

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A brilliant presentation on the effects of smartphones. A meaningful and informative write. Thank you for this knowledge you imparted.

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Chinedu Dike 02 May 2023

A wonderful poem

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Dr Dillip K Swain 25 October 2022

Extremely well written. I like it so much

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Dr Dillip K Swain 23 October 2022

I appreciate this excellent poem

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Dr Dillip K Swain 23 October 2022

Excellent. I like this poem

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