Watch The Color Of Lies You Tell Poem by Sarah Mkhonza

Watch The Color Of Lies You Tell

When you tell lies,
tell a blue lie once.
It is like the sky.

When you tell a lie,
tell a white lie once,
For they'll say it's racist.

Don't tell a silver lie,
nobody will recognize it.
The'll think it is mecurry.

Up to the planet the'll go,
everyone confused. You will
lose all your neighbors.

Tell a golden lie, for when
gilded, it can go into a ring
finger, you the the prince in
shining armor.

Don't tell a lie When you
live in the White House.
For the whiter the house,
the whiter the lie.

Tell a blue lie in there,
and see the sky fall on you.
For it takes angering the sky
to make tears fall out of eyes.

Inhale and swallow. Tweet on
the trees, for all will go to
work. Looking for words like
these will put you in a rank
of your own.

We swear knowing, the so help
me God. Lies will damn us and
leave us the pacifier in our
mouth, while the ozone layer
tells us the end is imminent.

Sunday, November 19, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: lies,politics
Savita Tyagi 19 November 2017

Great poem. Decline of ethics is so pervasive it makes me wonder if we have lost is for ever or would it ever come back! Thank you for sharing.

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Bernard F. Asuncion 19 November 2017

Such a profound poem, Sarah....

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