another waka by Izumi Shikibu:
Fitasura ni
noki no ayame no
tukuduku to
omoFeba ne nomi
kakaru sode kana
Completely upon
The sweet-flag on the eaves
Vacantly I
Rest my thoughts, then the sound alone
Is on my hanging sleeves.
Izumi Shikibu
[from GOSHŪISHŪ - GSIS XIV: 799]
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another waka by Izumi Shikibu: ひたすらに軒の菖蒲のつくづくと思へばねのみかゝる袖かな Fitasura ni noki no ayame no tukuduku to omoFeba ne nomi kakaru sode kana Completely upon The sweet-flag on the eaves Vacantly I Rest my thoughts, then the sound alone Is on my hanging sleeves. Izumi Shikibu 和泉式部 [from GOSHŪISHŪ - GSIS XIV: 799]