We Are Made Complete By Our Pain Poem by Daya Nandan

We Are Made Complete By Our Pain

Oftentimes, our guilt over failing exists only in our own minds,
Yet it is enough to cloud our judgement, our eyes it truly blinds,
We torture ourselves over perceptions that others are judging us,
When in reality it is our ego that really causes the fuss,

We brutalise ourselves over circumstances that are beyond control,
We torment ourselves over unavoidable losses that hurt the soul,
We relive sad memories as soon as we wake up in the morning,
The fires of remorse and guilt burn over us through our mourning,

But sad events do not always have to be the path to despair,
With the right mindset you can use it get a fresh breath of air,
Sadness and failure is only to make way for the new growth of life,
Teaching us new ways to fight against fate's evil knife,

Our suffering often exists for us to accelerate and improve,
And often it becomes the driving force that pushes us to move,
Although it often breaks us and pushes our happiness in the drain,
It also helps us grow for we are made complete by our pain.

Thursday, August 18, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: depression,life,pain,sadness
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