Weighing Heavily On Your Mind Poem by David Harris

Weighing Heavily On Your Mind

Rating: 5.0

You know the days when you feel that your life is slipping through your fingers, and there is nothing you can do. It is one of those days today. It is weighing on my mind whether to stay or go. You feel like giving up the job, your hobbies, the lot, just turn your back and start a new somewhere else.

The problem is, what about your friends, what will they think? They’d probably want the best for you, but they would not want you to go. However sometimes its for the best, to go away and start a new life somewhere. Just say goodbyes and then just go. Disappear to who knows where, try not to shed a tear too much, nor regret what you are about to do. Just put the old life away on a shelf, try and tell yourself it didn’t exist at all.

Oh, I wish it was that easy. Memories of places and faces of friends would still be there at the back of my mind. They don’t disappear that easily I have found. I think to myself, I’ve done this before, it will only be the closing of just another door, another chapter on my life. Maybe sometime in the future another door will open, and behind it I will find some old friends. Who knows what the score will be. As for right now a decision has to be made. Still I am pondering what I am going to do. I might just leave that decision for a day or two.

Who knows someone of something might make me change my mind. But whatever I decide there is one thing I know. I think whatever I decide it will be a bit of a struggle inside.


I'm not going to make a poetic comment. Just message me and let me know you're ok. t xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Melvina Germain 20 September 2007

Well, I see your thoughts are deep at work, this is always a difficult decision to make certainly. We must weigh the pros and cons of such a decision and then make the right choices realizing of course that life is short and making the right decision is crucial. You are a wise man and know that only you are in charge of your destiny so we'll have to stand by and hope and pray that you are on the right track. You know of course there isn't one of us that would want you to leave poemhunter so I'm sure you mean starting anew in another country or just simply another area or and I just don't want to think about that scenario. Just know this David, I love you very much as a brother poet and friend, I for one would miss you very much if you chose to leave us here at poemhunter. I hope you have been talking to God about this possibility of change hmmm. Thanks for sharing your thoughts David.-Melvina-

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Meggie Gultiano 31 July 2007

This is too heavy for me, David..whatever it is, i am here for you..you know that..

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Amazing David how you always speak and share your thoughts so easily and with the best choice of words.You Always can bring your reader in and make them think...I am hoping you are doing ok and are not really going to run away completely but I guess you know what is Good for you? ! Your title is a keeper and your topic is universal mostly because well we all have those days...sometimes those weeks...lets hope not those Years though... Another Greeat thought provoking piece! Take care of U my friend.............10/10! ! =Shelley=

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Alison Cassidy 06 July 2007

I wrote in a message to you earlier today that 'writing it out' is a good way of dealing with the angst and anguish of life's challenges. I sincerely hope that this honest, reflection piece will do just that. In the meantime, your advice about giving yourself time, is spot on. It may sound trite, but time is still the best healer. And in my experience, walking away, unless you are following a dream, is not going to solve anything. My thoughts are with you. love, Allie xxxx

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Andrew mark Wilkinson 06 July 2007

Do you go leaving us David, we will hunt you down and chain you to your chair so you can`t get away, it`s the weather mate it makes you depressed, i am thinking of ending it all my self, the endless rain is getting to me...10

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David Harris

David Harris

Bradfield, England
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