What God Has Planned Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

What God Has Planned

Who is it that can not say,
Today's youth do not inspire to admire.
With all that is going on,
Some of the youth...
Have taken the bull by the horns.
Their efforts to endeavor,
Is not without challenges to face.
And most of those challenges,
Come from those who have aged.
Preferring their days,
To remain outdated.
And making decisions to rejuvenate,
A past that has gone.
With repeated attempts to renovate.

To the youth.
With their eyes open wide.
And focused on the future.

Life to live,
Without experiencing disappointments.
Mistakes made and heartbreaks to ache.
Is not reality.
Nor guaranteed to receive,
From one visit to reminisce it...
At an amusement park.
Although traumatic,
This thought for some may come to be.
A few were born in one.
And had parents to pay a hefty price.
To keep their children unaware,
Of a life the majority of people live...
Peeking through walls and fences.
Nibbling on their wishes, hopes and dreams.

Life to live,
And experiencing as much of it...
As risks and chances to take will allow.
To explore and adventure.
Away from one's comforting zones.
Takes condoning a letting go of perceptions.
With delusions to release built upon fantasy.
This is not easy to do.
But is remarkably possible.
And at times,
Being subjected to the downs and lows...
Can also have their heights,
As if on a roller coaster.
To scramble emotions fearing the unknown.

One should never wish to end,
This ride through life prematurely.
Since no one knows or can predict,
What for them comes to experience next.
With each step taken to move forward.
To may or may not reveal,
Too much happiness to expect or accept.
And the feeling of guilt to possess it.
It can happen.

And this to imagine.
If one should experience it,
Could find those looking for ways...
To become upset over nothing.
Imagined or not,
There are some who complain...
About having too much rain.
After praying for it to end a drought.
No one is satisfied.
And the youth today should figure this out.
People who seem to have everything,
Seem to be the ones to complain about nothing.
But more to gain from an attention wished to get.

One never knows,
What the 'She' or 'He'.
Or the 'It' of God has planned.
For those who walk with their faith to keep.
Without begging to plead to God.
For an easier way out,
Of their created dilemmas.
Instead of just letting go to let God,
Do what is necessary to get done.
Shut up!
People make claims of being 'Down-to-Earth'.
Wish to control and demand...
What it is God should do.
Because they have spent an hour or two,
In a church.
Perceiving this will fool God,
Into believing them to be devoted.

And to the youth of today,
Do not listen to those who fake their faith...
Just to stay in the way,
Of what God has you here to do.
Respect those old.
But continue you must do to reveal to all,
A future kept envisioned to pursue!
Leaving the old 'fuddy duddies'...
Either to adjust.
Or step aside left to reminisce the past.

Saturday, April 6, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: future
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