When I'M Dead And Gone Poem by Amy Louise Kerswell

When I'M Dead And Gone

When Im dead and in the grave
Will you still love me or will you hate me?
If I look down on earth will I see you cry?
If I looked above my grave
Will I see you there or the flowers you left?

When the rot becomes my closest friend
Will you be blaming and hationg me?
Im so alone now those days are over.
Of the days when I walked in the storms.

If I were to knock on the door
Would I be wecolmed in and home?
Will I be fogotten or forgiven?
I simply left behind the life where I did not fit.

I decided my own time of departure.
I decided it was my time to leave.
When the moon was full I left
I left the whispers behind and gave my life away.

I just couldnt decide and deal with some things
But I ve got plenty of time now Im in my coffin
Locked in my coffin still quizzing my suicide.
When the bugs eat my flesh and bones
Will you miss me?

Im sorry I ended my life this way
I had no other choice but to choose my death.
Please dont be angry with me.
Im sorry I didnt explain why

Amy Kerswell

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