'' Where We Live Now Is Where We Will Die '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' Where We Live Now Is Where We Will Die ''

All these planets they're seeing,
Nobody's agreeing,
The fact they are out of our reach,
There's nothing like the Human being,
As the laws of nature we breach.

It would take millions of years,
Filled with sorrow and tears,
Just for a glimpse of its light,
The truth's not always the way it appears,
Methinks humans are not very bright.

Humans hate theft,
It leaves us bereft,
Yet that is what we are proposing,
Solely because here there's not much left,
Our beloved Earth is decomposing.

If they visited us,
We'd cause such a fuss,
How dare they take what is ours,
Through our principles they'd drive a bus,
They'd tell us our attitude sours.

Just face the truth,
We are so uncouth,
Our intentions would get them annoyed,
We think of ourselves as the super sleuth,
Yet our intelligence we never deployed

Keppler 452 B,
We can barely see,
They say it's in the Goldilocks zone,
On it's surface we will never be,
For fantasy the Human is known.

More planets each day,
Doesn't hold any sway,
Living out there will never apply,
Others out there will not let us stray,

‘' Where We Live Now Is Where We Will Die ‘'

Thursday, March 24, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: universe
If as suspected there are other life forms out there more advanced than us they will never allow us to destroy what is theirs the way we are destroying the planet EARTH.
Paul Sebastian 27 March 2016

We are human beings who can live live on this planet earth. We were created to live with earth conditions. No other planet would accomodate us, beings. Where we live is where we will die. Well written poem. it is provoking.

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