Who Else Have You Selected? Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Who Else Have You Selected?

Who else will I face,
To come into my life...
My Father?

Who else have You selected?
For me to share,
As we together...
Within Your vision please.

Who else comes to teach...
Lessons taught to instill,
For me to learn?
Who will You deem to be qualified...
To ignite that spark I yearn?

Who comes to confess,
The void in my emptiness they can fulfill.
Who will that be coming not to exhaust,
My patience
To recognize from my eyes...
They have come with God given skills.

Who else will I face,
To come into my life...
My Father?

Who else have You selected?
For me to share,
As we together...
Within Your vision please.

Others have come for shortened visits.
Will You pick someone admired for Yourself?
To have me grieve upon their leaving...
As it seems You have done,
With everyone else.
To see how quickly I can heal...
With just You to turn to,
For a comforting you know appeals!

And after testing my loyalty...
Will You again,
Introduce another someone...
You will have me meet,
Just for me?

Or will You throw upon my path another test?
Just to tease to see if I love You best?

Who else have You selected?
For me to share,
As we together...
Within Your vision please?

And 'why' do You do this,
To me My Father?
Don't You believe,
I'm deserving of someone...
Not for You to scrutinize.
But a companion who is special...
To meet and satisfy our human needs.

Before You put me through another test,
Who else have You detected...
That I might select,
Just for me.

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