With Or Without Rehabilitation Benefits Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

With Or Without Rehabilitation Benefits

Something that they've done together.
And dumped at someone's mama's house.
If not left at an orphanage to be adopted.
Or dropped into adulthood to be forgotten.

And I watch these kids without discipline grow.
Saying something,
I do...
To let them know,
They live lives I clearly understand.

And that is the reason,
I will not sit and weep with them!
Nor empathize with their weaknesses.
They do too much of that 'wounding' to themselves!

Chores and love.
With a bit of common sense...
And less idleness does it!
With no back talk or lip!
They rot in a cell locked up!
With no expression of my patience.

No child of mine would sit,
Oblivious to life!
Soaking in nonsense to become misfits...
And programmed by a cartoon channel.
Believing that represents a life for them,
I will pay for...
For the rest of my life!
I don't think so!

Chores and love.
With a bit of common sense...
And less idleness does it!
With no back talk or lip!
They rot in a cell locked up!
With a priest to visit.
Or someone prone to condone that BS!

Strict perhaps...
But real!

I'm not in this life to live mine like that.
With or without rehabilitation benefits!
To be caught up in some social trap,
That demands from me more taxes?
For that crap?
I don't think so.

To be or not to be that pitiful...
Receives from me a clear 'no'!
I'm not into that kind of self infliction.
Nor will I recommend it as a family trait to savor!
Not mine anyway.
It ain't gon' happen.

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