With Perceptions And Philosophies Unchanged Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

With Perceptions And Philosophies Unchanged

Rating: 5.0

Many finding themselves
With perceptions and philosophies unchanged
Over the past fifty years
And wishing to remain stuck in those times gone
Should be allowed to do so
They should be allowed to pack up and leave
And encouraged to retire to Wyoming
Why Wyoming?
Why not?

They should be solicited once there
To dip their hands in anything they wish
Except in the business of politics, education
Or professions of social etiquette
Or any subdivisions that censors which IS
Or Is 'not' correct for 'all' of a diversed society

These folks should not be approached
For any kind of advice
Not in the giving of their opinion concerning progress
Anything suggesting to do what their ancestors did
Will be problematic
That mindset has already caused enough anguish
Just entertain their minds with movies of the wild west
That should do it to keep them happy playing cowboys and indians

Ace Of Black Hearts 13 September 2011

With peace some find clarity. Others once found they never want to go back. Till the very end of their longevity. Me personally I desire it in small doses. Here's, your medicine please take it. And with solicitation so widely spread and commonly accepted. Soon or later someone is bound to reject it. Do they solicitors obsess on the failure in a gain. Do they try to destroy and maim. Or they do they ignore and move on. A sucker easily met eh and it is off to the next.

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