Woman (Monoku) Poem by Spock the Vegan

Woman (Monoku)

A woman should be glamorous not clamorous.

Woman (Monoku)
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: noise,woman,beauty,disrespect
Clamorous means:
• (adj.)Making or marked by loud outcry or sustained din.
• (adj.)Insistently demanding; importunate. synonym: vociferous.
• Making a clamor or outcry; noisy; vociferous; loud; resounding.

"A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing." - Proverbs 9: 13 (King James translation of the Holy Bible)
Susan Williams 14 February 2020

I am glad our friend Kim Barney posted info on what a Monoku is. If you want clamorous try Price Is Right when a woman wins the right to come up on the stage- -a crow sounds mellow and melodious in comparison. I like what you did with this

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Kim Barney 09 February 2020

3) Unlike the Haiku which is made up of three lines with a total of seventeen syllables, Monoku features a single line consisting of seventeen syllables or even fewer. It contains a pause brought about by speech rhythm with slight or no punctuation. The first letter should not be capitalized – but instead written in lower case.

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Kim Barney 09 February 2020

2) A Monoku is a type of poem which is made up of a single horizontal line. Traditionally considered as a haiku writing, it is currently accepted as a variant of the haiku form of poetry. Monoku emerged as an independent style of poetry in the 1970s.

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Kim Barney 09 February 2020

How'd I miss this poem earlier? It's been here since November and I never saw it? Thanks for teaching me a new form. I had never heard of a monoku before. Had to look it up!

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wes vogler 30 November 2019

atta boy straight and to the point any snow where you are yet? none in Victoria

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