Women Psychology Poem by Asit Kumar Sanyal

Women Psychology

A man always wants to marry
a beautiful woman
he always thinks
she must be smart, intelligent, sober
and from a good family
but he forgets....
a woman too wants something in him
look, figure smartness not her top priority.

Colour, height, race, language, country
also does not mater
she never wants a man for shopping
booking tickets, home services
she can do it on-line
even doesn't need for sexual satisfaction
many sex toys, mechanical equipment
come to their aid.

She wants the basic things first
that matters in her life
and next generation
she wants a man with three impulses
procreation, provision and protection
for the best genetic children
more resource, plenty of love
and higher security.

She has every required things
In her femininity
her need is the strongest masculine love
she searches it in a man
for this reason she selects always
the best available male
for thriving, surviving
and for getting well nurture.

Sunday, August 31, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: sex,family,smart,language,woman,males,feminism,look
Me Poet Yeps Poet 11 January 2019

IN OTHER WORDS YOU mean he must be strong and active under the ccver of darkness between bed sheets how factually tru are you women today are sexy even more manly when men feel shy and uncomfortable below the table she will kick his

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Asit Kumar Sanyal

Asit Kumar Sanyal

Lalgola, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India.
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