Wondering If It's All Worth It Poem by Qiniso Mogale

Wondering If It's All Worth It

Selling their souls to the devil
In order to attain earthly riches
Sacrificing their children to the occult
In order to attain earthly wealth
Committing ritual murders
To attain political power
I can't help but wonder if it's all worth it.

Inflicting pain on innocent souls
Fathers raping their own daughters
Stepping on other people's toes on their way up
Lying their way up
Bribing their way up
Women sleeping their way up
Women killing their unborn babies
Married men forcing women to abort in unwanted pregnancies
I can't help but wonder if it's all worth it.

Harbouring grudges
Holding on to past pains
Refusing to forgive detractors
Plotting revenge and succeeding
In view of the fact that life is too short
I can't help but wonder if it's all worth it.

Being racist
Religious intolerance
Failure to respect each others point of view
The failure to adhere to basic human rights
I can't help but wonder if it's all worth it.

Jefferson Carter 19 May 2017

Qiniso, you shouldn't ask rhetorical questions in a poem. Of course, it's not worth it! You need to start reading lots of good contemporary poetry in English if you're going to learn that it's most often better to show in your verse than to tell. Check out my new website: jeffersoncarterverse.com Tell how you like it. Yrs, JC

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Qiniso Mogale 19 May 2017

I thank you for the critique

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Qiniso Mogale

Qiniso Mogale

Dvokolwako Swaziland
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