World War Two Expands Global Wars: Introduces Nuclear Diplomacy Poem by Terence George Craddock

World War Two Expands Global Wars: Introduces Nuclear Diplomacy

war due to the nature of the beast creates not kills destroys
is machine industrialized indifferent to who or what gets killed
bullets buzzing stinging are indifferent to friend or foe ethics
rifles will indiscriminate kill whatever gets in front of bullets fired;
enemy fire friendly fire misidentified targets in line of sight die
grenades mortars artillery shells rockets will kill within death kill zone soldiers civilians men women children caught in kill range zone die civilizations scientists invent threat production used weapons of terror;

weapons designed to shred mutilate inflict terror on battlefields?
Nazi blitz was deliberate bombing of London English cities
at the end of WW2 allied bombers bombed eighty to ninety percent;
of selected German cities target chosen cities were bombed into ruins Japanese casualties of nuclear bombs atomic bombings of Hiroshima
Nagasaki "Little Boy" dropped on Hiroshima instantly killed 80,000;

people "Fat Man" dropped on Nagasaki killed an estimated 74,000
most are not soldiers military most are civilian population deaths
most Japanese casualties turned to ash in a flash were civilians;
instant death lucky instant painless deaths no horror flash burn suffering radiation poisoning killed 110,000 to 210,000 still killing victims
years after victory Japan was declared in contrast terror fire bombing;

of Tokyo killed over 200,000 people in wooden Japanese houses
Japanese people people victims victims are roasted toasted victims
torture burning deaths horror human torches horrific pain deaths;
do not be mistaken war is not nice war is often crispy incinerated hell
there is an effective solution to prevent wars do not start wars do not
invade countries but politicians love big stick option war as diplomacy.

Terence George Craddock (Afterglows Echoes Of Starlight)
Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Original version of the split images 'War The Nature Of The Beast: WW2 Fire Storm Bombings To Gaza', 'War The Nature Of The Beast: Buzz Saw Killing', 'War The Nature Of The Beast: Death Rains Burns Bitter Cruel', 'War The Nature Of The Beast: Destroys Beautiful Lives', 'War The Nature Of The Beast: Hamas Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' and 'War The Nature Of The Beast: Hamas Invades Israel', by the poet Terence George Craddock. Written in May 2024 on the 21.5.2024.
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