When in midnight of life
What will you see?
Did you use your abilities
To be the person you wanted to be?
Did you use your mind
To better yourself from your lot at birth?
Or did you let the burden of circumstances
Rob you of life’s mirth?
Did you look around you
And want to make a difference?
Or did you let the winds of trouble blow you
And give up things you held in reverence?
Did you let the beauty of life
Touch you deep inside?
Did you inspite of many failures
Resolve to have love at your side?
Did you with simple minded ease
Let yourself feel everyday joy?
Or were totally overwhelmed by life
And let all happenings annoy?
Did you commit yourself
To live with ultimate passion?
Or let your precious life be snuffed out
Without any satisfaction?
A very deep insight of life that makes you wonder how u live each day. its touching and inspiring. lovely read :)
wonderfully deep reflection of life....very well written....inspiring work my friend
I enjoyed both your style and your comments on life. Life certainly should be lived to the full. Kindest Regards, Irene
well, very body defines life differently, so did u, gr8 work....10++
This poem has everything Beauty, Joy, Passion and the downsides as regret failure and defeat. Still we are all survivors right up until we leave. Thankyou for sharing your thought provoking gracefull poetry
A strong questions asked in a direct way...Good Job Madame. Merna
Great poem, I love it! It asks the questions alot of us already asks ourself...for me as a young woman who love God, I realy believe that no life will ever taste true satisfaction without knowing Him in a personal relationship! And together with this, I think the most unhappy life is the one who never lived life to its fullest, yet in a way they won't regret it one day. Thanx for the poem!
Can't agree with all the questions there but i do agree that you've got that potential to be with those top very soon.. :) regards, ugliloner.
when it comes down to it, i believe that the central questions posed in this poem can really be summed up as one thing: did we make our life the best life that we could possibly live, for ourselves? and that is what life is all about i think. in some cases, when we really care about someone, the best life for ourselves is to make that loved one's life the best we can. but you need to be living a life that gives you purpose. i think that is an important idea and one more people should recognize, instead of getting bogged down in what is 'right' or the social 'norm'. this poem has a message that rings true to me, and i suspect to many others as well.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
I like this! its very soulful if that makes any sense! it makes me think on how I might see my life even now. very good! !