You Are Not Alone Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

You Are Not Alone

What purpose do I serve...
If not to validate the presence of my existence?
Is there any other reason,
I have been blessed with life to live?
Am I here just to feed my selfishness?
Is it selfish of me to want and wish for happiness?

What purpose do I serve...
If not to validate the presence of my existence?
Do I sacrifice those temptations,
With a doing of this to ignore?
If I have not been satisfied with relationships,
Should I lay down with anyone to them become a whore?

What is all of this mysteriousness to experience for?
And who or what is it that judges my performance,
With a doing as if from me they want even more.
And just who is this THEY, HE, SHE or IT?
Why am 'I' kept in the dark...
While around me I feel my every move is being explored.

What purpose do I serve...
If not to validate the presence of my existence?
Is there any other reason,
I have been blessed with life to live?
Am I here just to feed my selfishness?
Is it selfish of me to want and wish for happiness?

No it isn't'

That's what I mean.
Who or what is it in my head I hear?
But with my eyes can't be seen...
OR appear to make it clear,
I am NOT imagining these 'things'.
Say that again!

'Say 'what' again? '

Never mind.
Forget it.

'As you wish.
But we will say this...
You are not alone.'

We who?

'WE, we US.
Geeessshhh! '

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