'' Your Future Is Bright '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' Your Future Is Bright ''

I was but a child,
When I joined the war,
The thought reviled,
But I asked what for,
Those memories I compiled,
Then lay in a drawer,
Evil I had to fight.

A builder to trade,
Being taught to defend,
I soon made the grade,
Made many a friend,
Though bad memories fade,
They never end,
It is hard to feel contrite.

From the human being,
I saw brutality,
What I was seeing,
Was bestiality,
Soon I was fleeing,
From life's normality,
Though others took great delight.

It took almost a year,
To kill my first,
Be it conscience or fear,
I don't know what's worst,
It soon became clear,
You develop a thirst,
You banish what's wrong from right.

We all have the will,
To maim and destroy,
In war it's a drill,
We have to deploy,
The aim is to kill,
Yes, to utterly destroy,
That enemy you have in sight.

Though colleagues will die,
The fight will go on,
If death you deny,
You will see that new dawn,
Though it made me cry,
All those now gone,
Can rest in peace, day and night.

We did this for you,
Some sacrificed all,
Give respect where it's due,
To remember don't stall,
Yes, it's still true,
For a cause we still fall,
To ensure,

‘' Your Future Is Bright ‘'

Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: war memories
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