Zombie Chickens Poem by Juan Olivarez

Zombie Chickens

Chicken was for supper,
Mom walked outside,
Caught a nice Rhode Island Red,
And swung it round,
And round from,
Its neck.

The head came off,
In mom's hand.
And the dead chicken,
Fell dead as a doornail,
To the ground.

Then (again then)
The chicken arose
from the ground
And ran (just like in Reanimator)
Under the house.

I told this story,
To my six kids as they grew,
Over and over again,
And they would laugh themselves silly.
The biggest question being,
Did you eat it. Of course I would say,

And then the question,
That had them all in stitches
Do you eat dead chickens?
EEWWW daddy no! ! ! !
The reply being,
So you eat them alive?

Well one day, our parish priest,
Came over for supper along,
With sister Ruth, our parish nun.
After supper, we sat around
Just telling jokes.

My son JJ, told this one,
To our priest.
What flies without a head?
Father appeared confused, and said,
Well he didn't know.

JJ's punch line was,
A dead chicken!
Laughter continued
For minutes that seemed,
Like hours.

29 Palms Ca.

Friday, March 11, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: humor
Khalida Bano Ali 19 April 2018

An interesting poem, liked it and enjoyed it.

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Atasha Williams 21 March 2016

hahahahahahaha I totally understand! ! ! My brother tried to kill a chicken once, was a complete disaster! ! ! ! You inspired me to write about it! ! Thank you Juan! Hope you are well, give your wife a Big hug! :)

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Mike Smith 13 March 2016

Didn't know what to think of this one when I saw the title so I had to investigate. It did not disappoint as usual Juan. Eating them still alive doesn't sound very pleasant and seems as though it would be rather feathery for my taste. P.S. A very corny joke I heard the other day What do you call a lady standing in the middle of a tennis match? My reply was 'stupid' The answer however is Annette

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Atasha Williams 21 March 2016

A net! ! ! ! hahahahahahahahaha got it! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Kelly Kurt 11 March 2016

My mother told me a similar story about her mother doing this

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Juan Olivarez

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