Rajnish Manga Poems

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एक दिन का शब्दकोष (Hindi)

दस साल से घर के अन्दर
शब्दकोश जो रखा हुआ था
आज अचानक काम आया
बिन मांगे ईनाम मिल गया


Minds are vested with memories
Days are vested with anniversaries
Not all moments find a comeback
Only a few make it to centenaries

क्योंकि मैं सो नहीं पाता हूँ
मौलाना जलालुद्दीन रूमी

क्योंकि मैं सो नहीं पाता हूँ

Calcutta V/S Kolkata

The journey from Calcutta to Kolkata
Has not been that of a metamorphosis
Nothing has changed with this change
(Next is the turn of Mughal Sarai station)

Rest In Peace Sushma Swaraj Ji

Just got the news of your passing
It is too disturbing to believe
A politician with a difference
You were driven less by politics

Television By Roald Dahl (Hindi Translation)

मूल कविता: रोएल्ड डह्ल
हिंदी अनुवाद रजनीश मंगा द्वारा

Patient-Doctor Dialogue

Patient: Doctor doctor please help me
Doctor: Sit on the chair and let me see

Patient: Doctor doctor shall I be fine

My Greatest Need Is You
Poem by Rabia al Basri
Hindi translation by Rajnish Manga

Limerick R32 (Hindi) Wonderful Ape / बनमानुस

There once was a wonderful ape.
Who gave up his skin for a cape.
Now he swings in the trees,
All exposed to the breeze,

Limerick R44 Halloween

‘Tell me my dear friends', I ask.
‘Do we need make-up or mask?
As we are so keen,
To celebrate Halloween,

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