Ravi Kopra Poems

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Be Still, Calm Down

Flush greenery did not stop
The fierce torrents of rains

Streams of tears did not stop


I eat and drink poetry
Poetry is in my blood, my soul
It flows through my heart

Come, Cool Down The Fires In My Heart

Your love has awakened
the kundalini in my groins
it is awake day and night
it does not let me sleep

I Cannot Wait

Your lips, rose petals
Smile, jasmine flowers

Your eyes, blue oceans

My Bed Is Near The Window

After years of self exile
I go back to India to see my sister
in Tilak Nagar in New Delhi

A Peaceful Chair

I sit down in a rocking chair
I try to meditate
but don't know how to start with
I think of murmuring brooks


Overcome by pity and sorrow
agitated and tearful
thus spoke Lord Krishna:

You wrote a poem on red chappals
thanks a million, my chappals are famous now
everybody likes my chappals
everybody's buying chappals


we meet people everyday-strangers, acquaintances
we keep going our ways, our hearts do not meet

but when I meet him I forget his outrages

She Was My Rose, My Flower

She was my rose, my flower
she was delicate and soft
her heart was full of love
I promised her my love

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