Samar Sudha

Samar Sudha Poems

'On body she wears cheap sari, in height even bit short,

Having firm courage, in her mind she had strong Quotes'

My thinking have lost the vision, art to explore.

Nothing could rejuvenate, willingness isn't much there in core.

''Flowers buds, in its petals,
The fragrance is YOU''

'Jesus, Allah, Krishna and all LORD,
in different forms but the same “GOD”'

Golden era, sprinkler all around'
'Fantasy of a one has no bound'

'Walk through the branches, as walking a deer,

''Can you see, the Glitter in my eye.

Its not coz of blisses, but coz of sobs.

"Dry leaves indicates the farewell of season Autumn,

Naked tree shows, it is now over and never be gonna enriched again,

'A speck by being, But spendthrift of his thoughts'

'Parasite from formless, credible meaning whatever he wrote'

A moment I found that where I have been stuck'

Nothing left in heart but the emptiness'

'Beside the life there is an another race,
with the Nature and its traits.'

'Nature works like Luck, In moment sun shines and in other moment it sat off,

"समर, तू भी तो एक दिन राख होगा, रस्में खाक होगा."

"धुएं में उड़ेगे तेरे अक्ष, मिलेगी तुझे सच्ची बक्ष."

"जब बातों में गहराई ना हो,

जब मेहनत से कमाई ना हो"

जग में मची है लूट

My Love Shinu,

Dear Honey,

"क्या घड़ी ये आन पड़ी, सन्नाटा छाया चारो ओर;

इम्तेहान है ये मुश्किल, स्मा रात दिन है घनघोर।"

ਕੋਈ ਮੇਰੀ ਕਿਤਾਬ ਖੋਲ੍ਹੇ
ਕੋਈ ਕਿਤਾਬੀ ਵਰਕੇ ਫਰੋਲ਼ੇ

ਵਰਕੇ ਉਕਾਰੇ ਸ਼ਬਦਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਪੜ੍ਹੇ

दीए तल्ले अंधेरा, किताबों में पड़ा था मैंने
सोचा ना था, सोच के क्या हैं कहने

रोशनी खुद, खुदको रोशन करेगी

बिस्तर मेरी बेचैनी का गवाह बना,
के सारी रात जगह हूं मैं

किफायती था जिंदगी का खर्च,

गुस्ताखी हमने की नही
ख़ता शायद हो गई

रात को हम जगह रहे,

ਕੁਦਰੱਤ ਦੀ ਬਰਕਤਿ ਸਭ ਤੇ,

ਮੇਲੇ ਵਿਛੋੜੇ ਸਬੱਬ ਦੇ,

Samar Sudha Biography

Words reflect my LIFE)

The Best Poem Of Samar Sudha

A Name Of Compassion 'Mother Teresa'

'On body she wears cheap sari, in height even bit short,

Having firm courage, in her mind she had strong Quotes'

'First step she had taken to be nun in life, with no more leisure and desire,

As all we know, on holy path no one could get bliss but the hurting fire'

'She was accepting what comes on her way,

It was her humble nature that's let her stay'

'She tried to treat, which can't be cured,

It wasn't any magic in her hand but help of the Lord'

'What is dreadful, she doesn't have that sense,

Sympathy, respect even acceptance for who is being helpless'

'Hugs for leprosy and love for slumy people,

It was her behaviour to keep it carries as her Goal'

'From a chair she started her first school,

Which became after the living life tool'

'Everything had been showered even a moment of her life,

Given such lessons, no matter one is fair or in heart has knife'

'she had such relation with humanity,

By getting rid of such insanity'

'It was her worship towards lord and actually the passion,

She is The Mother Teresa, A Name of Compassion'

-Samar Sudha

Samar Sudha Comments

Samar Sudha Quotes

'When a heart gets hurt, its pain comes over the words.' ― Samar Sudha

'Excuses are actually made for lazy People' ― Samar Sudha

'Everyone wants sunshine but sometimes Moon's light even help us while on the path of Life' ― Samar Sudha

"Somethings are seen by heart.'' -Samar Sudha

'There is very hard bonding between Tears and Rain, often both fall together in Happiness and in Pain'' ― Samar Sudha

"Everyday Sun shines for new Experiences" ― Samar Sudha

'In life, you would regret definitely, either you become good person or the bad one, but being good is better to regret for' ― Samar Sudha

'LIFE is like to Dance, and which can be enjoyed by the Rhythm of the TIME' ― Samar Sudha

'Anxious fills the Enthusiasm that lifts you up from your Tiredness' ― Samar Sudha

"Clean your Tongue with your Words, not with tongue cleaner" ― Samar Sudha

'Wrinkles on an image can be cleaned by good Deeds' ― Samar Sudha

"TRUST' 'A soft thread, that could broken while checking it" ― Samar Sudha

'Mistakes could be improved if, It hits on Heart' ― Samar Sudha

'There should have some gap between Relations, to understand its value. Because you can't read anything which is too closed to your eyes' ― Samar Sudha

'Carrying an aggressive attitude is to expect cool shadow under a naked Tree' ― Samar Sudha

'CRITICISM'' is a first step of Success' ― Samar Sudha

'In Relationships, there shouldn't have space for Egoism' ― Samar Sudha

'Love is not a thing to take or keep, Its a something special to Feel' ― Samar Sudha

'Succeed people are loved by all'' ― Samar Sudha

'Relations are actually tied by heart not by Customs, because Friendship never required any of It.' ― Samar Sudha

'No one knows here, that the Death is actually, Actually to Born.' ― Samar Sudha

'Skipping works don't show your laziness, but an ability to do that in short time' ― Samar Sudha

'The Value of Sun shine is just because of the existence of Darkness' -Samar Sudha'

'Life is also an exam but there is no provision for reappearing' ― Samar Sudha

'Nothing could make one responsible but the Responsibilities' ― Samar Sudha

'Be a Colourless and Mingle in everyone's Life' ― Samar Sudha

'It is better to survive with the WEALTH issues rather than the HEALTH issues.' ― Samar Sudha

'It is better to being hectic in work, than worried by sitting idle' ― Samar Sudha

'Never let your appreciation to make up you Rude' ― Samar Sudha

'ਚੰਨ ਚੜਿਆ ਭਾਗਾ ਭਰਿਆ, ਅੱਜ ਵਿਚ ਮਸੀਦ ਫਕੀਰਾ... ਚਾਦਰੇ ਦੀ ਰਸਮ ਹੋਵੇ ਮੁਕ੍ਮਾਲ' -ਸਮਰ ਸੂਧਾ' ― Samar Sudha

'Teachers are endless Fragrance, which lasts forever in mind of students as Knowledge' -Samar Sudha

'Meditation' an exercise to keep positive things in mind by getting rid of the negatives' -Samar Sudha

'Whether you choose left or right path, but the destination should have the contentment of Soul' -Samar Sudha

'Darkness is not a symbol of negativity but the state, where we can concentrate on the real light of Life' -Samar Sudha

'Every Moment can be History of tomorrow but its upon us what to do with this Moment' -Samar Sudha

'I'm the Pawn of chess game, whose aim is not to protect the King only but to become the Conqueror.' -Samar Sudha

'TIME' is something to invest but for failed people, it is a thing to be passed.' -Samar Sudha

'Shadow is not an umbrage only but the proof of our Existence' -Samar Sudha

'Silent a powerful word, which can be used by kept quiet'

Nature itself a language with strong Vocabulary, each day it teaches us new Words. -Samar Sudha

'Life is a book, let's start reading it.' ― Samar Sudha

'TRUST' is like a plant of Roses, you need to take extra care for its nourishment and DOUBTS are like weed, which affects growth of the Plant.' -Samar Sudha

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