Shree Parno

Shree Parno Poems

Still I am walking on the road
And you are walking in my mind
Is this love?
Who guess this?

I am not a city man of shady power
I have not an artificial voice I don't love to make a capital matter
And I don't want to make a giant chaos.
So here is a little voice -


I was wake up in the morning
Similarly as other usual days
But one thing is embarrassing
My body is still with anxiety feels.


When you neglected me there, my mind broke into winds and tears
And an ocean roared here and there, I heard intense voices of its -
Which exposed an inferior smell of thy sea-shore and lost its identity
Then all imagine got meaningless worth without you my sweet pretty.


‘Are you a vendor? '
No, I am a man of new leafs,
I have so many dreams of life.
The wind said -

They sat on various colorful chairs
I entered slowly
In the center of the golden room,
Suddenly they laughed


Words are reaching from emotions day after day
As like as water of all fountains,
The sky is teaching -
And the ocean is teaching -

Once morning he asserted we are going towards future
I agreed.
Once evening I understood another truth -
‘Actually we are walking towards time'

হননের দিন নয় আর
আনো মহা শান্তি
হে মানুষ, মহাত্রাণ আনো এই মহাবিশ্বে ।
দেখো, মহল্লা মফস্বলে সারা দেশ না না গোটা বিশ্ব জুড়ে

আমার মায়ের মুখের হাসি
আমার মায়ের ভাষায় ভাসি
মরমে সাজায় কাজের রাশি।


Keep up some thoughts for yourself
And walk toward the heaven,
Truly The Indian Yoga and Pranayama will guide you
The sage told that great view in a village,

Where is your limit?
The Sun and the Moon played hide and seek
And some night stars always silently laugh
Where they take rest?

আমি কবি নই, তাই বোঝাতে পারিনা
কবি হতেও চাইনা কোনোদিন
কেননা সত্যিকার কবিদের বড় দুঃখ
যে দুঃখে আম গাছ থেকে বকুল ঝরে যায়

গোপালকে একটু চাপে রাখুন
গোপালকে একটু দাবিয়ে রাখুন
গোপাল আমাদের কথা শোনেনা।
ছেলেটা শুধু শুধু উড়ে উড়ে বেড়ায়


Life is nothing,
But a motley road
From where we started
To where we go.

আপনাকে আমি কখনো দেখিনি।
ছবিতেও না।
বাবার কাছে শুনেছি - আপনার অনেক কথা
প্রত্যহ প্রভাতে স্নানান্তে গীতা পাঠ করতেন

সময়তো পেয়েছে পুরুষ অনেক শতাব্দী
মিছামিছি দ্বন্দ্ব-অভিঘাতে কেটেছে কত কাল,
তবু্ সভ্যতার আবর্জনাতো দূর হয়নি!
এবার সময় - এগিয়ে এসো নারী -দায়িত্ব নাও

Where are you going?
Haven't heard yet
All roads blocked by devils
Poisonous arms in their hand

সকালে যখন আমি
আভূমি নোয়াই মাথা
মহা দেবতার পায়,
ভাবি আমি যদি এক দ্বিজ দীন দাস হই


Why I was laughing in the last night?

Shree Parno Biography

SHREEPARNO: Shreeparno -a modern Poet, lives in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. His home district is Bankura, West Bengal. He can writing in English and Bengali language. Many of his poems published in various Bengali and English magazines and website. He had written two Bengali poetry book, named Nisshabder Gharbari(2010) and Nivanta Alor Him(2011) .Both the books had published from Kolkata. He is an Assistant Professor in Bengali and also a researcher of Bengali Language and Literature.)

The Best Poem Of Shree Parno

Is This Love

Still I am walking on the road
And you are walking in my mind
Is this love?
Who guess this?
I heard your pretty laughs,
I saw your hearty deep eyes,
And thought like as delicious rain fall,
At ground from thy marvelous sky-hall.
Is this love?
Who guess this?

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Shree Parno Quotes

Do Love and love and don't stops your pity and emotions, because pity and emotions makes a true heart and without love heart is reckless.

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