Terence George Craddock Poems

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All Animals Are Aware Sentient

all animals are aware sentient interact
with distance great immensities
within landscape territory they range

To All My Beautiful Poet Friends

to all my poet friends
who crossed my poetic thought path
shared part of my poetic journey
past present future

When A Poet Reads A Poet War Poem

sometimes when a poet reads a poet war poem;
a few words phrases resonate in heart mind
spontaneous spark in wow factor wonder and thus
it was when reading the poem 'All Quiet On

Freedom A Tapestry Of Beautifully Woven Life Choices

is the time
energy ability

The Nothing We Write

it does not matter
if time everything
we write is not good

Wisdom's Mirror Images

wisdom's shadows
etched into mirror images
echoed focused lens

Payment Written In Blood: Earth Price Payment

the blue pearl is encircled within the web of the spider
the dragon bites its tail draco may enter but never leave
the stargate holds seed of talking serpents within sphere...
silicon gateway to computer age payment price power written in blood

Vendettas Washing New Hands In Blood Crimes

the cliché proverb claims "time heals all wounds"
but some wounds last centuries shock waves
rolling down through descendent years as anger claims
new generations new descendents family feuds

Sleep In Peace Covid Free Or Sleep Too Long Too Deep

pollen is in the air everywhere it does not fill with fear
hay fever a runny nose irritated eyes where pollen hides
seasonal normal does not fill with fear an irritation we bear
new disease covid 19 pollen in the skies deadly tells no lies

Who Reads Poets?

who reads the poet
who reads the bard
who reads the verse

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