'Come On Baby No More Cry' Poem by Terri Turrell

'Come On Baby No More Cry'

Rating: 5.0

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the lord my soul to keep
My soul unworthy take my heart
That while I sleep my life depart

Now I lay me in my bed
A loaded gun against my head
My soul is barren wasted done
I lay me down a loaded gun

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the lord my soul to keep
That should you die before you wake
It is your soul the lord did take

hush-a-bye, hush-a-bye
I'll sing to you a lullaby
And then we'll both lay down to die
Come on baby no more cry
Mama's got a big surprise
She put it right between your eyes
And no more no more baby cries
Ssshhh now baby go to sleep
I pray the lord your soul to keep
I will not weep, I will not weep
That should you die, Before I wake
I pray the lord my soul to take
Now I lay me down with you
The Lord can have my own soul too

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the lord my soul to keep
My soul unworthy take my heart
That while I sleep my life depart


Eyan Desir 09 November 2009

This reminds me of a song... Well lets hope this baby is good.. and he/she listens to Mama... heheha good write

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Patti Masterman 19 November 2009

Wow wow wow. This is something else again. Wow, you are the reigning queen of orginality. When you get going nobody can touch you. This is going into favorites, pronto (along with most everything else of yours I have read thus far; you are one dynamite writer) . You're almost dangerous. (watch out with that gun, lol)

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Otteri Selvakumar 27 December 2009

this is not only poem heart waves... come on babay no more cry ===wonder full.

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John Kim 20 November 2009

Oh! This is good poem. Yuo are indeed lord your life. I guess that you are beautiful and sexy. I read it five times and felt you have penned an eminence charged strok of exellence sandwiched between repeat performance of first and last stanzas in which with the variable options. Your opinion are impressive and nice so I think that really you'll woman sexy and nice.

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Lorenzo Costigliolo 19 November 2009

I read it twice and felt you have penned an emotionally charged stroke of brilliance sandwiched between repeat performance of first and last stanzas in which with the variable options you have looked into the very heart of a troubled soul which leaves its interpretation so variably presentable to readers from the sane to emotionally troubled and back again. Great spontaneous write. L

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Patrick A. Martin 19 November 2009

Now heres something that triggers the emotions. Sad thing is many couples live like this for years, They call it devotion? -10

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Akram Saqib 19 November 2009

you really touched the heart with your lovely poem

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