Tessa Gaoses

Tessa Gaoses Poems

I know my passing pains you deeply
You look out to life so sadly
The grief at times so overwhelming
The pain of it so excruciating

Saying goodbye is never easy, no tis not
For parted no one wants to be from loved ones
So when this goodbye is forever, where to begin

A mother ever sacrifices
She is a selfless being

Her needs are secondary

Life is a challenge
At times an uphill struggle
You may feel discouraged
But know this; you are a fighter

What you bring out in me I cannot describe it
What you make me feel I cannot say it
It is tender yet strong, a passion foreign yet familiar
Like strong waves building in my veins, slowly but surely

I know a sweet old lady
For me she prays daily

I know her warmth all too well

Today the world celebrates Mothers
Their unique place in our lives

The warmth only they posses

Dear Sweet Angel,
I am writing to ask you how you are. Is heaven good? It must be a peaceful place. Did the other Angels welcome you well?

Tell me, are you happy to have crossed over to the other side. They say it’s a place where there is no pain or sorrow, a place where sickness is foreign. There is only love, peace and happiness and lots of singing. I know you love to sing, so you really must love it there.

They say you had a happy life
Your dreams you worked to achieve with might

They say you had a kind heart

A comforting whisper from above
That is what I wish for most
For you are up in heaven
I feel your smile on my face

Whenever I think of you as dead
I feel pain so heavy like lead
Whenever I think that you are no more
I feel this deep empty feeling in my hearts core

My tears are unshed
They are not leaked
But their depth is deep
It’s from where I keep

I expected pain
But not one so excruciating

I expected heartache

Today was supposed to be a happy occasion
It was to be a milestone in your life

It was supposed to be a big celebration


What a foreign yet familiar feeling you are
Every time you have a new face
You don’t know families or friendships
Your only knowledge is that of victims

How different dawn can be from dusk
How fast life can change direction
It transforms in the blink of an eye
Without any warning nor apology

Even though the pain is great
Although the tears are there
Sometimes I think of you and cry
There are times I think of you and smile

A baby is a gift from God
A true joy in your life
With a smile so bride
It pulls at your heartstrings

In life one meets a lot of people
Some are meant to stay, others aren’t
Some are meant to teach you, others to entertain you
Some are meant to love you, others to nurture you

Like a rose has many layers of Petals, so is a mother’s heart
Her heart is comprised of many facets, her scent just as delicate
She is as open, as loving, as warm, as gentle, and as caring
And just like a rose has thorns, she is just as fierce, and just as protective,

The Best Poem Of Tessa Gaoses

Mommy I Love You

I know my passing pains you deeply
You look out to life so sadly
The grief at times so overwhelming
The pain of it so excruciating

You smile, you laugh, and you chat
Putting on a façade for others
Because want them you do not
To worry about you a lot

But the sorrow is ever present
In your private thoughts ever existent
I was your baby and so much you wanted
But losing me so young you never expected

Your dreams were of joy and happiness
They were of achievement and success
Graduation, career, family, grandbabies
Not pain, agony and emptiness

But mommy I was happy
Because you made my life special
You were my best friend
My trusted confidante

Yet you were my mother
You gave me life and guarded it
Therefore my passing overwhelms you
You question why it had to be so

Could I not have survived?
Why was my end so tragic?
Yet you trust that God knows best
He alone can console you

But mommy I am at peace now
I know no pain or sorrow
Heaven is a joyful place
I sing with the angels daily

But I know that you are sad
And that breaks my heart
But mommy I did not leave you
I am always by your side

My love will ever surround you
In the memories of me you have
You are the best mother
And mommy I love you

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