vern eaker

vern eaker Poems

Eyes are the windows to the soul
Throughout my life I’ve been told
To see into anothers heart
Eyes are the place to start

I see him sit at the bus stop
Still remains, as the bus leaves
Hair askew, stubble on face
Perspiration and soil stain his sleeves

(your name here) you have captured my heart

It has been yours from the very start

I love her but she don’t love me
She thinks she love another man
And he’s no good you understand

The birth of a family where does it start
Your parents, their parents all play a part

Virtues instilled deep within us all form

I know I am not the perfect man

I never even try as hard as I can


Addiction has various forms
Dependant on something

A cartoon world would be nice to live in
Obstacles and problems moved with a pen
A simplistic uncontroversial place
Hatred and fear we could erase

A question lies with in these lines
One I’ve pondered many times

Not of why I feel the fool

She was an angel although not pure...

If love were a color what would it be?

Red like the roses vibrant and dark,

Unique, like me
How could that be?
That is not individuality.

````````````````````````Silhouetted against the shimmering lake
With its waters flowing cold
Tasting of its coolness
Motionless alert sensing my aroma

If I had a dollar for each tear I cried for you
If I had a dollar for each fragment of my heart
I would have more money than a fool could spend
It would take a life time to lay them end to end


A look

That is all there is to start
Often a look can pierce your heart

The world awaits me once again
Calling me to places I’ve never been

Searching and seeking things unknown

Complacent love is love still
Often time wears against our will
Dulling the way our love may feel
Without notice gone is the thrill

Poetry what does it mean to me?
Much more than a fancy way to speak
Allows others to feel things inside of me
Through thoughtfully chosen word

A more sincere appreciation, never had by a man
Than that which I hold for you my number one fan
For you gladly read each word I write sincere or fluff
I have not the words to truly thank you near enough

vern eaker Biography

A novice writer, recently finding the time to write some poems, in hopes that others will enjoy them. My poems cover a range of thought and emotion, Writing about whatever inspires me at that moment. I welcome all comments.)

The Best Poem Of vern eaker

Eyes Are The Window To The Soul

Eyes are the windows to the soul
Throughout my life I’ve been told
To see into anothers heart
Eyes are the place to start

Be they hazel, green or blue
Black, brown color changing too
Matters not what color they be
They show what one needs to see

Through these windows the truth lies
Emotionally nothing hides
Clear for all too recognize
Displayed to the world in ones eyes

Evident are anger, lust and surprise
Fear, truth, lust, hope and despise
Happiness, sorrow, and confusion
Inside familiar eyes there is no illusion

To gaze deeply is an intense moment
For the eyes are a intimate component
Although prominent noticed by all
Often the feature hardest to recall

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vern eaker Quotes

writing, becomes written, becomes wrote, becomes wondrous.

If Life was Easy, I've been spelling it wrong my whole Easy!

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