Vlado Martek

Vlado Martek Poems

Look, I'm protected
by the alibi of poetry,
I'm writing a poem.

Evo, sada sam zaštićen
alibijem poezije,
pišem pjesmu.
I potreba za smislom
daje mi veliki kredit
za cik-cak pisanje.
A neću, ipak, koristiti eksponente
kolektivne zaštite
uskličnik, upitnik, prekid.
Koristit ću patnju. Tegobu Zapadnog Balkana.
Otkud raspoloženje nego od stizanja:
za vrijeme češljanja stigla je knjiga:
Presecanje haosa. Na elegantan način
postala je dio frizure.
Tako jest: Jedna knjiga, Jedna pjesma,
Jedan žuđeni put.
Osjećam da je zaštita - prošlost, i
čuvam emociju maske.

Iživio sam svoju umjetničku snagu. To
ne stane u zlokobnu kutiju
mimo radne sreće.

tumarati se jezikom može
bez kraja.
Zauzeti stav znači ponuditi
predpjesmu čiji sadržaj
ispunjavaju/nose uvjeti, stavovi,
materijali, alati, podloge svojim

Svako uzimanje
pisaljke u ruku
čin je poštenja

Povlačim se iz svih
pjesama, da bih bio odgovoran
za buduću pjesmu, načinjenu
u radu na poeziji

Priprema je pjesma
je predpjesma
tri slobode slobode

ja tri puta godišnje
mijenjam mišljenje
o poeziji

jedan pjesnik
manje jedan pjesnik
jednako ništa pjesnika

jedna dvije tri četiri
pet šest sedam osam
devet deset jedanaest
dvanaest trinaest
četrnaest petnaest
šesnaest sedamnaest
osamnaest riječi pjesme

u Hrvatskoj ima
121 stari pjesnik
i 239 mladih pjesnika

tristo šezdeset metafora podijeljeno
sa osamnaest pjesnika jednako
dvadeset metafora i jedan pjesnik

tri do pet sadržaja
plus pet sadržaja
jednako osam do
deset sadržaja

23. patnja

što je poezija

ovdje počiva gola riječ
samo rukom i mašinom
ja joj ne izmislih

državo, unakazit
ću te poezijom

odričem se

da sam pjesma
bio bih ptica

ja se zalažem za poeziju
a vi je samo pišete

you can wander through language
To have an attitude means to offer
a model: the pre-poem and its content
fulfil/carry conditions, attitudes,
materials, tools, backgrounds with its

Every grasping
of a pen in hand
is an act of honesty

I withdraw myself from all
poems, ready to be responsible
for the future poem, created
through work on poetry

Preparation is a poem
is a pre-poem

three freedoms freedoms

I change my opinion
about poetry
three times every year

one poet
minus one poet
equals zero poets

one two three four
five six seven eight
nine ten eleven
twelve thirteen
fourteen fifteen
sixteen seventeen
eighteen words in poem

in Croatia there are
121 old poets
and 239 young poets

three hundred metaphors divided
by eighteen poets equals
twenty metaphors and one poet

three to five subjects
plus five subjects
equals eight to
ten subjects

23rd torment

it's a pity
everything is

here lies a naked word
only with hand and machine,
I have not created
a future for it

state, I'll disfigure
you with poetry

I renounce

if I were a poem
I would be a bird

I stand for poetry
and you only write it

Odričem se jedne svoje napisane
pjesme, s ovom pjesmom rušeći
sadržaje patnji u pratnju
jeziku. Sunce je ujutro
veće od nas, najidealnijih bez djela.

I nek je bolje ovo slično pjesmi od
najviše idealne prisutne u samom jeziku.
Jer sve što sam rekao
dijelom već biva njihova priča i zadnja
je riječ na to: poezija. Sada
me se nada pjesnik.

I renounce a poem I have
written, with this poem I demolish
the subject of torment that follows
language. In the morning
the sun is bigger than us, who are at our best without artworks.

Let this similar poem be better than
the highest ideal of poetry existing in
language itself. Since all I have said
is partly their story and the last word
after that is: poetry. And now
the poet hopes for me.

Ja, predpjesnik,
povlačim se iz pjesme.
Zadajem si na glas rok sudbine.
Napunih se vremenom pred taj izlazak,
a da ću baš uraditi, ne znam; tok
je cjelovit i jezik ne mogu nagovoriti
na nj, urećući dobitak svakog predmeta.
Ovaj osmi stih: svjestan ispuštam iz iluzije
sjenku svog primjera, nadasve već
ono što bi bez mene meni značilo —
Predpjesma je danas u sredini
iako su strane u imenima pune.

I, pre-poet,
withdraw myself from the poem.
I give myself the deadline of destiny aloud.
I fill myself with a time before departure,
but would I do that, don't know; the flow is
complete and I couldn't persuade language
to be itself and I curse the profit of every object.
This eighth line: consciously I omit the shadow of my example
from the illusion, and above all
what would have its meaning without me -
Today the pre-poem is in the middle
although the margins are full of names.

Puno je pepela u srcu, c, r, s, u
A vatra i njene vatre badava gore
Tome se je za veseliti. Bit ćemo
kad tad sasvim nalik sebi u poeziji.
Pojedinac i prekida vatru, pa prepisuje
uzdah po uzdah. Doba je padajućeg teksta.
Definitivno je klima u pismima.
Milujem mostarinu, eto to je za reći.
Čak mi se ne plače, mada predviđam tuđi plač
i srodan je ko bora smiješku. Odlučivanje
je plaćanje. Ustuknuti - treba!
Nudili su mi dopodne, i punu zdjelu lovaca,
a baš sam mrav koji sad pogledava djela prijatelja
i misli, - mislim: Dobio sam dobrotu da je
provedem pisanjem. Što će mi sve.
Najzdraviji sam kad mislim na poeziju. Pisanje
je ostatak samog rastanka. Kako je dubok
površni smisao. Posižem za njom. Točno je to.
Jedino - supstrat razloga po njoj jednak je ničemu.
Sjećam se izjave: Tobožnji odmor od umjetnosti je tu.
To ukrašavanje ukrasa tako je bijedno pored još bjednijeg:
ljudskog spavanja i u slovima.

Tko zna što sve može stići reći?
A poezija je samo nastavak.

So much ash in the heart, r, e, t, a, h
And fire with its flames burns in vain.
Something to be happy about. Sooner or later
we will be exactly like ourselves in poetry.
The individual interrupts fire and he copies
sigh by sigh. The time of the falling text.
Weather is definitely in the letters.
I'm fondling the toll for the bridge, that much I can say.
I don't want to cry, but I foresee the crying
of the others and it is akin to wrinkling like a smile.
To decide is to pay. Withdraw - you should!
They hurt me in the morning, and my bowl was full of hunters,
and I'm just like an ant looking at works of my friends
and thinking - I think: They gave me kindness to
translate into writing. I don't need everything.
I'm healthiest when I think about poetry. Writing
is a remnant from departure. So deep is
superficial meaning. I reach for her. That's right.
Only, the essence of reason equals nothing according to her.
I remember a statement: The so called break from art is here.
This ornamenting of ornaments is even more pathetic
compared to human sleep and letters.

Who knows what it could mean?
And poetry is only a sequence.

Što će mi prezime?
Da prezimim i da zimu nemam.
Što će mi poezija?
Ljeto me prekida, svugdje sam.
Što će mi prezime
Novčanik jadnih dogovora.
Kako su jadni oni stremeći.
Kako je ipak institucija ciljeva - jadna.

Why do I need a family name?
To familiarise and not to have a family.
Why do I need poetry?
Summer stops me short, I'm everywhere.
Why do I need a family name,
a wallet full of pathetic agreements.
So pathetic are those who aspire.
And an institution for achievements - still so pathetic.

Gdje su kuhinje?
O, kako sam tužan za
velikim jesenskim kuhinjama.
To je bliže i bliže gladi
nego okretu pisanja.
Znaj za glad, čitaoče
Ovog ravnog pisanja.

Where are the kitchens?
Oh, I'm so sad
I miss big autumnal kitchens.
This is closer and closer to hunger
than to the twist in writing.
Know the hunger, oh reader
And read this flat writing.

U svom prekidu i svojoj pjesmi
nađoh ovo: Više se ne da zaboraviti
da se radi o refleksu pisanja o pitanju
i odgovoru oko refleksa pitanja.

In my hiatus and in my poem
I have found this: One should not forget
it's all about the reaction to writing about the question
and about the answer to the reaction in question.

Vlado Martek Biography

Vlado Martek was born in Zagreb, and graduated from the University of Zagreb with a degree in literature and philosophy. By vocation Martek is a multimedia conceptual artist, poet and writer, and his oeuvre includes actions, agitations, ambiances, murals, graffiti, texts on his own art and on other artists, prints, art postcards, sculptures, poetic objects, paintings, art books and staged photography. Martek’s work can primarily be seen as avant-garde poetry. In this, he follows the tradition of other authors working in experimental poetry in the 20th century, standing opposed to the dominant lyrical paradigm of European literature. From 1975 to 1978 Martek was a member of informal art group, Grupa šestorice (Group of Six), and with them he organised a number of exhibitions and art actions, as well as launching the magazine/catalogue MAJ/75 (1978 – 1984). In this early period of intensive activity, Martek started to exhibit his works in alternative galleries in Zagreb, including Podrum (Basement) and Proširena medija (Extended Media), and since then his works have been shown in numerous exhibitions around the world. Martek’s work has become so prominent in Croatia that Professor Miško Šuvaković wrote a study on his art, called “Martek, fatalne figure umjetnika: Eseji o umjetnosti i kulturi XX. stoljeća u jugoistiočnoj, istočnoj i srednjoj Europi kroz djelo(vanje) umjetnika Vlade Marteka” (Martek, Artist’s Fatal Figures: Essays on Art and Culture of the 20th Century in Southeastern, Eastern and Middle Europe Through the Work of Artist Vlado Martek), which was published in 2002 by Meandar, in Martek’s hometown of Zagreb. One of the concepts Martek is most interested in is that of pre-poetry, or the idea that poetry is not a finished, isolated work, but rather comes through the poet, and through the actual conceptualising and writing process. Consequently, Martek is suspicious of the poetry book or collection, considering it to be an artificially ‘complete’ form. Instead, he has published twenty-two samizdat books of pre-poetry to date, which are hand-bound collage works consisting of drawings, prints, photos and poetry, and which he distributes himself.)

The Best Poem Of Vlado Martek

Lamenting Poetry

Look, I'm protected
by the alibi of poetry,
I'm writing a poem.
And my need for meaning
grants me high credit
for zig-zag writing.
But no, I will not use exponents
of collective protection
exclamation mark, question mark, break.
I will use torment. West Balkan hardship.
Goodwill can come only from arrival:
I was combing my hair and a book arrived:
Cutting the Chaos. Elegantly
it became a part of my hairdo.
The fact is: One book, One poem,
One desired way.
I felt protection is . . . past, and
I keep emotion as a mask.

I exhausted my artistic strength. All
you could put in an ominous box
is working happiness.

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