So how do you find a lady fair, one mate that is so dear?
Where do you go to purchase a gem of no price the wealth of the world could not afford?
Tell me where this flower so rare of all your dreams and visions stare
A land flood by the love tales of a great lord, to marry your heart and hers with a strong cord
Twilight besetting
The angel its dreaming
Lost be the morning
The night that was shining
I happened in a great choir
A great host were before the alter
Many others accompanied with instruments and lyre
The notes rise with every gaze of the holy Pater
A kiss is a hellish exchange
That tastes like heaven
When I kiss only her it feels
Like the burning lake
There was a smog atmosphere of pearls dangling airily with emotions
Condensing arid bliss into balloons compressed of volatile inclinations
And I swear she is trapped in devotion.
It's a felt conversation and everything is set in motion, she is devoted to us.
"I Could say I found myself dreaming of You? "
A whispering she heard said the meadow lady as she stared through the window of her soul
Her gigantic self unraveling the voice she heard,
Starred longer and yonder taken stars twinkle in her mind and whisper through the window to lady
At the threshold of heaven's gate,
Adorn shall the Angels on thee set
A tiara of sapphire, necklace, and staff of ruby and gold
The glimpse the stars have long ago foretold
Whispers from the great beyond,
Unlock mankind's feeble thinking
Deliver hell-bent focus by a revelation stars dreamt
Balmed with healings by the hands of the tender Virgin
A gift long-awaited, gift as Alice's golden key
Pouring from within me I am soaked in graceful gold in
Swear thee, swear thee