They say I live in a fantasy
they say I need to see my doctor
they say I am troubled
A full moon and I
lie and listen all night long -
Het is alweer twee weken geleden
dat we elkaar schreven, verheugd
lentes wevend tot een gedicht
Because I feel that
we still love each other
at a distance, I dare
An upper floor apartment, a square
where I am safe, not to be robbed
from anything, with internet
and a sofa bed
Only experiences count
now that every day matters:
new activities
beauty to the full
I hear my own voice
it echoes where I live
in the lap of the mountains
When I want to know something, I call
someone from the explanation folks
Strangers are my interpreters
Mary was pregnant
with God, a story
can't be stronger
and I think of myself
We were afraid
of getting caught
in the distance the train
to Grantham, here