O! my self! poor self! ,
What do you crave for?
Don't you know?
The gifts of God lie,
In the first decade of 21st century,
I worked under a fine jury.
One of the wisest scholar of the city,
With patience, compassion and humility.
In the name of God, start your day,
Neat and tidy mark your way.
Melodiously utter your words,
Like the chirping of birds.
Many a bards unknown,
Many a poets unsung,
Wrote poems in praise,
Of their Lord,
On the children's day,
To the Lord I pray.
May God bless,
To one and all success.
Zakiya, my dear daughter,
Pleases me with loud laughter.
She ascended from high heaven,
On February seven.
O! Poets! , the custodians of the truthful race,
Explore the field of virtue and grace.
Possessives are not used for better words of praise,
What's mine?
Let me define.
Is it my looks?
But its God's fabrication.
In guilt, I recall my immoral days,
The days spent in insensible ways.
Down into the bottom of hell,
My thoughts did fell.
O! Mahatma Gandhiji!
How powerful your weapon,
More powerful than,
Ever, ever made.