African Poetry

African Poetry Poems

WHATEVER happened to the elephant –
Hurrah for Thunder –

Coming and going these several seasons,
Do stay out of the baobab tree,
Follow where you please your kindred spirits

Dzogbese Lisa has treated me thus

It has led me among the sharps of the forest

BEFORE YOU, my mother Idoto,
Naked I stand;
Before your weary presence,
A prodigal

 The casualties are not only those who are dead.
 They are well out of  it.
 The casualties are not only those who are dead.
 Though they await burial by installment.

They picked Akanni up one morning
Beat him soft like clay
And stuffed him down the belly
Of a waiting jeep.

I wanted to write you a letter
my love,
a letter that would tell
of this desire

In vain your bangles cast

Charmed circles at my feet;

There where the dim past and future mingle
their nebulous hopes and aspirations
there I lie.

The weaver bird built in our house

And laid its eggs on our only tree

Nightfall comes like
a dreaded disease
seeping through the pores
of a healthy body

(with drum accompaniment)
AND THE HORN may now paw the air howling goodbye…
For the Eagles are now in sight:
Shadows in the horizon-

I dreamt I saw an eye, a pretty eye,

In your hands,

Voice: What is this that I hear from the piper's flute?
Has the town crier gone mad to announce to strangers
The secrets of the ancient rituals?

Woman, place your soothing hands upon my brow,
Your hands softer than fur.
Above us balance the palm trees, barely rustling
In the night breeze. Not even a lullaby.

Today is Sunday.
I fear the crowd of my fellows with such faces of stone.
From my glass tower filled with headaches and impatient Ancestors,
I contemplate the roofs and hilltops in the mist.

I will pronounce your name, Naett, I will declaim you, Naett!
Naett, your name is mild like cinnamon, it is the fragrance in which the lemon grove sleeps
Naett, your name is the sugared clarity of blooming coffee trees
And it resembles the savannah, that blossoms forth under the masculine ardour of the midday sun

My Lips are twisted by Sharp Knives of the Bantu
Warriors, till Bleeding Words flow from Tongue's Mantle.

Joao was young like us
Joao had wide awake eyes
and alert ears
hands reaching forwards

EYE OPEN on the sea,
eyes open, of the prodigal;
upward to heaven shoot
where stars will fall from.

The Best Poem Of African Poetry

Christopher Okigbo (Hurrah For Thunder)

WHATEVER happened to the elephant –
Hurrah for Thunder –

The elephant, tetrarch of the jungle:
With a wave of the hand
He could pull four trees to the ground;
His four mortar legs pounded the earth:
Wherever they treaded,
The grass was forbidden to be there.

Alas! the elephant has fallen –
Hurrah for thunder –

But already the hunters are talking about pumpkins:
If they share the meat let them remember thunder.

The eye that looks down will surely see the nose;
The finger that fits should be used to pick the nose.

Today-for tomorrow, today becomes yesterday:
How many million promises can ever fill a basket...

If I don’t learn to shut my mouth I’ll soon go to hell,
I, Okigbo, town-crier/ together with my iron bell.

African Poetry Comments

Richardson Greg 13 May 2013

New and refreshing. A great depiction of tribal life in Africa.

17 18 Reply
G. Akanji Olaniyi 11 May 2015

Africa in real picture! ! ! Hope to enjoy them!

14 9 Reply
Beaton Galafa 13 April 2014

Can you add as many Niyi Osundare poems as you can please?

13 9 Reply

An extremely noble attempt introducing the African poetry to the poets community on PoemHunter

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lia 05 September 2021

Doesnt really talk about africa

1 0 Reply
Kofi Awoonor 23 July 2021

Song of sorrow

2 0 Reply
Kofi Awoonor 23 July 2021

Song of sorrow

1 0 Reply
Yehualashet Teshome 17 May 2020

Very good collection of poems

2 0 Reply

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