Bernard F. Asuncion Birth Poems

Remembering Your Birth

R-emembering your birth
O-n this day brings a thrill;
S-weet greetings and wishes
E-xpress enthusiasm or zeal.

Eventful Day Of Birth

E-ventful day of birth
L-ights up the moment;
O-ne occasion to enjoy,
U-nder the firmament.

Day Of Your Birth

D-ay of your birth
H-as calmed the wind;
I-nclement clime is over,
N-ight chill and shadows

Mirth Brought By Birth

M-irth brought by birth
E-xplains why it's so special;
L-aughter, happiness and joy
Y-earn to be unique or unusual.

Remember Your Birth

R-emember your birth
U-nder the sky is great;
D-ay to celebrate is now,
Y-our moment is worth the wait.

Another Birth To Remember

A-nother birth to remember,
I-t remains in my memory;
N-ever will it fade from my mind,
A-iming to make you so

Have A Great Birth Event

G-reat birth event comes,
E-ver joyful to celebrate;
O-ne occasion of mirth
V-isitors patiently wait.

I Remember Your Birth

L-et twenty-ninth December
A-im to meet the dawn;
A-llow Thursday sun to come,
R-ising above the horizon.

E-arly Monday January second,
D-ouble event we gladly remember;
U-nderneath the wide blue sky,
A-bout the couple and our former leader.

See The Rays On Your Birth

N-ight cold chill turns
I-nto a warm Thursday;
C-oal clouds don't gather,
E-ventide fades away.

Of Your Birth Burning Bright

R-aindrops on Tuesday
A-re gone fourteenth December;
C-old chill of the night
H-as turned into fine weather.

Gift On Your Birth

A-n early morning sun
R-ises above the horizon;
L-et Saturday shine,
E-vening shadow is gone.

Celebrate Your Birth

I-t's a lovely Thursday,
R-elax, loosen up, and unwind;
I-n spite of the night cold rain,
S-unshine bathes your mind.

Make Your Birth So Nice

M-ake Wednesday forgettable,
A-llow it to pass by;
E-xpect another new day beneath the blue sky.



Your Birth Brings Much Fun

E-arly in the morning,
Y-our birth brings much fun;
L-ight that shines above
E-ndorses joy from the sun.

Great Celebration Of Birth

C-elebration of birth is great
A-fter you rise from slumber;
M-emorable event is held
I-n fifteenth September.

Most Memorable Birth

M-ost memorable birth
A-ugust nineteenth day;
R-apture of the moment
I-s taking the night away.

Another Day Of Birth

A-nother day of birth
B-rings joy to the heart;
E-liminating the sadness,
L-etting loneliness depart.

Due To The Day Of Birth

D-ue to the day of birth
Y-our heart feels so happy;
L-eaving the ache behind,
E-rasing the mess and misery.

Momentous Day Of Birth

M-omentous day of birth
A-ttests to the ecstasy;
R-apture of the occasion
I-ntensifies the glory.

Another Joyful Day Of Birth

J-oyful day of birth
A-lters the pressured plight;
Y-our eyes see the sunshine, shadows drift into the night.

New Morn In Birth Occasion

M-orn in birth occasion
A-lleviates your distress;
R-ising sun has mitigated
Y-our pain and sadness.

Day Of Delightful Birth

D-ay of delightful birth
H-as excited your heart;
A-mount of thrill is large,
R-emaining since the start.

New Beginning Of Birth

N-ew start or beginning
O-f birth has a promise;
N-ice life in the future
I-s truly filled with peace.

Mansion Of Nice Birth

M-ansion of nice birth
E-ntertains your heart;
L-aughter of the occasion
O-pens a brand new start.

Joyful Day Of Birth

J-oyful day of birth
H-as greeted the break of dawn;
I-ll weather turns better,
N-ight cold chill is

Exciting Event Of Birth

E-xciting event of birth,
D-ay three of September;
I-t causes pure pleasure,
S-haring with fine weather.

Exciting Birth Brings Much Zest

B-irth brings much zest,
E-xcitement makes you feel better;
V-ery nice event happens
E-very first morn of September.

Grand Celebration Of Birth

G-rand celebration of birth
E-liminates life's misery;
N-ice warm wishes written
A-re sent to make you happy.

Momentous Event Of Birth

M-omentous event of birth
Y-ou are enjoying today;
L-etting the cold night turn
I-nto warm sunny skyway.

Let Your Birth Bring Brightness

L-et your birth bring brightness,
U-sing the light of the day;
I-t's the dawn that has broken,
S-tarting to take the night

Occasion Of Exciting Birth

A-n occasion of exciting birth
L-ets you feel the pleasure;
O-ne event that truly brings
N-othing but

Lucky Day Of Birth

L-ucky day of your birth
U-nder the wide blue lane;
T-wenty-seventh June morn,
H-appiness kills the pain.

Share The Joy Of Your Birth

S-hare the joy of your birth,
H-appiness fills your heart;
I-mmeasurable pleasure
E-nsures a fresh fine start.

Much Mirth On Your Birth

M-uch mirth on your birth,
A-ugust eleventh early morn;
E-cstasy was just brought to the day when you were born.

Rapture Brought By Birth

R-apture is brought by birth
A-ugust tenth early morn;
Z-est causes comfort,
Y-our heart won't get worn.

View In Your Birth

V-iew in your birth
E-xpresses the joy of day;
M-erry month of warm July
A-t the thirty-first shine of

Delightful Kind Of Birth

D-elightful kind of birth
I-s here to bring pleasure;
E-vening shadows disappear,
G-ray clouds won't stay

Let Mirth Of Birth Stay Alive

M-ake mirth of birth stay alive,
Y-ou must not get it worn;
R-estart to refresh your mind,
A-ugust ninth early morn.

Delightful Day Of Birth

D-elightful day of birth
I-s keeping the clouds from turning gray;
A-ugust ninth early morn,
N-ight shadows shall fade

Kiss And Hug On Your Birth

K-iss and hug on your birth
I-ntensify the love and affection;
M-aking you feel fathomless joy
B-ecause of pure jubilation.

Great Gladness Of Birth

G-reat gladness of birth
I-s taking the sadness away;
N-ight so lonely is gone,
A-ugust sixth sunny day.

Rapture Of Your Birth

R-apture of your birth
I-s brought to the heart;
C-omplete comfort and joy
H-appen from the very start.

Joy Brought By Your Birth

J-oy brought by your birth
A-ims to make friends attend;
M-irth felt deep inside
I-s almost without

Morning Breaks On Your Birth

M-orning breaks on your birth,
A-ugust eighth better day;
R-aindrops have just turned
I-nto clear clouds, not gray.

Laughing On Your Birth

L-aughing on your birth
I-s keeping the scowl away;
Z-ealously leave the anger,
A-ugust eighth sunny day.

Jump For Birth Jubilation

J-ump for birth jubilation,
H-igh above the ground;
E-levate your happiness,
N-othing can let you down.

Merry Morn Lights Your Birth

M-erry morn lights your birth,
A-ugust sixth sunny day;
R-ainy night has just turned
I-nto a beacon without gray.

Another Birth To Celebrate

A-nother birth to celebrate,
N-egative notes have gone by;
G-ood greetings come to you,
E-xpressing hello, not goodbye.

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