Cj Heck Poems

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The Cookie Jar Adventure (Preschool)

Wakey-wakey from our beds,
thoughts of cookies in our heads.

Mom and Daddy's eyes are closed.

Bumble Bee (Preschool)

Today I saw a bumblebee.
He was on a pretty rose.
I leaned in to look at him
and he stung me on my nose!

Ode To Being Five (Children)

I made a paper Valentine
all red and edged with lace.
And on my paper Valentine,
I drew a pretty face.

An Innocent Voyeur

An old man glances through a window
to one in the building below.
Through slats awry in seduction's haste,
candlelight strobes

Windows In Heaven (Children)

I know sometimes that clouds bring rain,
in wintertime it's snow,
and spring is good because it makes
the pretty flowers grow.

To Be One

In thinking on the matter,
feelings of lust and love
can’t originate in the heart.
A heart is merely a muscle.

Between The Covers

Gentle man, you hold me
like a treasured book
as if memorizing every line.

My Shadow (Children)

I have a shadow hooked to me.
Sometimes he's big.
Sometimes he's small.
Sometimes he isn't there at all.

Growing Things (Children)

Daddy planted grass seeds
and up popped new green grass.
When mommy planted flower seeds,
pretty flowers came up fast.

The Child Within (Children)

Down inside this grownup
lives the child that used to be.
When I look in my mirror,
she stares right back at me.

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