Howl Allen Ginsberg with Nebuchadnezzar’s
Prideful Madness-Lycanthropic
For this generation’s minds lie bleeding and ravished
in the streets of the libertine-philosophic
A multitude, yea, all of those with unclean spirits vexed,
Gather to Him to hear the Word which heals and protects.
Lifting up His eyes and voice, He taught upon the mount,
The Fifth Command...
Children are to respect parents, that they may live long.
Parents are to love them back by teaching right from wrong.
Why has Divorce
Become such a matter of course?
Currents of unyielding force
Deep is thy chaotic course…
Why chase the wind, when you can become it?
Carry the Spirit, be its voice, though others try to dumb it.
Sing the song of joy, when others only hum it.
Be the resonating harmony as angels lift the harp and strum it.
(From 1st/2nd Peter)
God has commanded the present heavens and earth to remain until the day of judgment.
There are at least 27 million in the bonds of absolute slavery
Every country around the world plays host to this industry unsavory
Though everywhere it is supposedly outlawed
In many places, the enforcement is terribly flawed.
Peniel Part 1:
The armies are amassing – but the Lord withholds his breath.
The prince of peace defends, but will we finally accept the lesson of his suffering and death?
What if I spoke all the many man and angel tongues?
Without love or charity, Id just be noisy cymbals and crashing gongs.
Understanding mystery and giving prophesy to the waters and to river;
And in the spring, when kings go forth to battle,
David sent out his army to destroy and besiege.
So General Joab took Ammon, and attacked Rabbah.
But he was not joined by his King and liege.