Diwakar Bhatt Poems

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Dried Red Rose

One day I took out a book from shelf,
Didn’t remember when I read it myself.

Slowly dusted with a cloth quite clean,

Never Say No

Hey, the hyacinth of my life so dreary,
Give me the alms of your love savory.

An indigent I am without love poured,

Platonic Love

When you love someone in heart alone,
Craving and passion of flesh all foregone.

When meeting and talking gives pleasure,

Song Of Love

Hey! Come along! Let us sing love song,
Blissful time in life would never last long.

The moon and stars seem smiling upon us,

My Wish To God

O! God! Curb all my vices as my wish first,
Redeem my soul from mire of greed and lust.

Purify it by the holy words of your discourse,
Assimilate it unto your cosmic form I propose.

Colors Of Holi

The chilly winter is gone leaving behind
a cool clime salubrious,
The morning sun is greeted by singing birds
in tones mellifluous.

Desert Night

The summer night was lovely and gay,
Stars shimmering in the sky far away.
Full moon was no less than perfect,
As if a piece of some silvery artifact.

Love Eternal

The vow I take to love you forever till my last,
Every word I speak, confirm an attitude die cast.

Eternity would still be insufficient, I proclaim,

Ramayana Part Iv Exile Of Rama

Bride and groom been welcomed in Ayodhya,
A huge pompous procession followed Ram and Sita.

Whole populace pronounced slogans of praise,


When my eyes met yours, heart raced fast,
Rapture immense seeped in forever to last.

Song of love sung by the nature to greet us,

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