Francis Duggan Dog Poems

A Dog's A Man's Best Friend

Your wife she may not speak to you and your marriage at an end
But your dog will always stick by you, A dog's a man's best friend
Her friendship unconditional she will always stick by you
Until the Reaper claims her to you she will stay true.

Friendship Of A Dog

The best friend most people have is their dog on your dog for friendship you can depend
Than your ever devoted canine you cannot have a better friend
Your dog will never forsake you he or she will be your friend for life
A dog's love you can rely on far more than the love of your wife,

The Unconditional Love Of A Dog

Great stories of love people love to recall
But unconditional love is the greatest love of all
The sort of love that a human to another human cannot give
Though your dog will love you for as long as she or he live,

An Old Dog's Dreamings

In the backyard in the mid day sun on the concrete path he
Old Tim the dog is frail and old he's seen a better day
He slept there in the mid day warmth and to him came the

The Dog Woman

Known as The Dog Woman she aged in the graceful way
She never used hair dye to hide her wrinkles or hair dye to cloak her gray
Her husband long deceased their only offspring their daughter a grandmother with her husband in the U S of A
One she had not seen for many a day

Pudsy Our Dog

As a boy i often hunted with her in Matty Owens bog
She was my devoted friend Pudsy the dog
A big dark brown hairy female as tough as barbed wire
With energy for to spare she never seemed to tire

Your Dog

Friendships we make in life often prematurely end
But 'til the day that she dies your dog will be your friend
Your dog will love you and from you never part
Your bond with your dog an affair of the heart

Old Joe The Black Cattle Dog

Old Joe the black cattle dog has known a better day
Around his jaws he is looking rather gray
He still works cattle but at a much slower pace
A young dog is being trained to take his place,

A Famous Dog Story

The story I am about to tell you it well may be true
For the one who told it to me for to give him his due
Is one who does not make up stories nor neither is he
One prone to imagine it would seem to me.

His Dog Is A Man's Best Friend

There is an old time saying that his dog is a man's best friend
That too should apply to women for why should we pretend
That a woman does not love her dog as much as any man
Women have loved their canines since human and canine friendships first began.

Every Dog Has His Day

Back there in the late sixties when I was in my prime
A few years maybe three or four before I discovered rhyme
I recall an old man bent from toil the years had made him gray
Saying make the most of your young years 'every dog has his day'.

Your Dog Will Always Love You

Your dog will always love you your dog your greatest friend
He or she to you devoted until their life will end
For unrequited love your dog does not ask much of you a few pats and every day a good feed
For a lifetime of love and loyalty this is all your dog does need

A Dog Named Ruby

When Pam talks of her ridgeback Ruby there's a sad look on her face
For Ruby was a special dog and none could take her place
She offered her protection and she was a trusting friend
But nothing lasts forever there has to be an end.

Than Your Dog You Do Not Have A Truer Friend

A pat and a few kind words and a good feed every day
The price of his friendship is quite cheap one must say
He doesn't care what status in life you attain
For as long as he'll live as your friend he'll remain.

I Do Like His Dog

Surly looking and hung over after a night on the grog
I cannot say I do like him much though I do like his dog
His golden retriever on seeing me wags her tail
Of making a new friend of every opportunity she does avail

With Jack The Brown Dog

When I was seven years old in nineteen fifty four
I hunted for rabbits in old Claramore
With Jack the brown working dog a young dog then
The boys of the fifties are now ageing men

Your Dog's Love For You

Your faithful dog your unconditional friend
Will love you unconditionally until your's or it's life end
You may lose the love of your partner or wife
But the love and friendship of your dog is for life

Unlike The Favorite Dog In The Race

Bumped at the last bend and run out of a place
The favorite dog always does not win the race
Human life is like the dog race one thing you do need
And this is luck on your side for you to succeed

Than Your Dog

One who will love you unconditionally untilher or his life will end
Than your dog you do not have a truer friend
A walk every day a few kind words and a good feed
For a lifetime of devotion is all your dog of you does need

The Love Of Your Dog

There are billions of dog lovers Worldwide in every Land
And why people love their dogs not hard to understand
For a few pats and a good feed and a walk every day
For your kindness your dog in love you will repay

A Dog's Love For It's Master

A dog's love for it's master unconditional though of such a love singers do seldom sing
Your dog looks up to you as a true hero and does admire you as it's queen or king
For as long as it does live to you devoted until death your dog it will be your friend
Your children and your spouse may well forsake you but for love on your dog you can depend

The Dog Named Smitty

Not everyone loves Smitty he is not everyone's friend
But Genevieve and Graeme on him can depend
To protect their home from burglars when they are away
No stranger his territory will enter if Smitty on it has the say

Jack Casey With His Dog King Of Clara

Jack Casey with his dog King of Clara who had won a race at the Cork Track
Had to walk home due to missing out on their car drive a journey of close to forty miles back
To his home on the Clara Road by the Town of Millstreet going back at least six decades in time
When Jack was a hardy young person quite close to the peak of his prime

The Blue Dog Bar

Beyond Millstreet Town it's fame did travel far
The licensed premises owned by Catherine Duggan known as The Blue Dog Bar
Long deceased Millstreet's most beautiful woman when in her life's prime
Though this is going back many decades in time

Pudsy The Dog

She often chased but never caught a hare in Con The Master's bog
She was quite a canine brown Pudsy the dog
Pudsy a hairy farm dog too slow to catch a hare
But to catch one no effort she ever did spare

Your Dog's Friendship

Human friendships are conditional why even pretend
Your dog is your only unconditional friend
For a few pats, a few words of kindness and a good feed every day
For as long as she or he lives your dog as your friend will stay

You Treat Your Dog Well

You treat your dog well and she or he for life will remain your friend
Since unlike humans dogs do not know how to pretend
Your dog does love you for the person you are
Not for the size of your bank account your home or your car

Your Dog Your Best Friend

A walk every day and a few pats and a feed
For his or her undying devotion to you is all your dog does need
But your spouse is much harder for to satisfy
When compared to us dogs are so faithful one must wonder why?

Your Dog Will Love You

If to your dog you are respectful and kind
A truer friend than him or her you will not find
Since the love of a dog is unconditional and true
Your spouse may well leave you but your dog will love you

Just A Friendly Small Dog

Just a small brown and white jack russell with a stub for a tail
Yet when it comes to trust and loyalty his master he never fail
One who will never know of canine renown
Yet to his mentor he is the best dog in the town

She Would Even Rather The Dog

Than her husband she would even rather the dog
To her he is violent after his fill of grog
In front of their two young daughters he slaps her around
In the mind of the wife beating drunkard the coward to be found

It Is True That Your Dog

It is true that your dog is your only true friend
And will remain loyal to you until her or his life end
Your spouse or your children as your friend may not stay
But your dog will love you until it's last night and day

My Neighbor's Dog

The only difference between him and i
Is he does not realize that he will die
The old black dog whose muzzle has turned gray
Like me he too has known a far better day

Old Jack The Dog

He was hit by a car as a puppy which left him in a lot of pain
And though he did recover from his injury the handicap he did retain
His hind legs they did not seem quite right and he could not run at a fast pace
But he was a good dog to work cattle and he kept the bull in his place.

Like Man Like Dog

One of my neighbours dog is a fierce beast he growls and bares his teeth at me
And each time I walk the Street by the wire fence that keeps him in the savagery in him I can see
With his front paws pressing agaist the wire his eyes are full of hate
If he ever gets through that fence havoc he will create.

Old Sammy The Dog

Upon his once dark muzzle the greyness of time
Old Sammy the sheepdog is well past his prime
There was a time he could work sheep all day long
But age as we know it can weaken the strong.

His Old Dog

His old dog now in her long rest her lot will be ours one day
In her grave by the apple tree in his backyard her bones forever lay
She passed on a few years ago with sadness he recall
The clock of life keeps ticking on and time takes care of us all.

Old Peter Who Is Grieving For His Dog

He is grieving for his terrier old Peter
For thirteen years his dog his truest friend
He bought him at the pet shop when his wife Mariah passed on
But every life has to come to an end.

Your Dog True To You

The woman he loves she will not be his wife
She left him for another he feels hard done by life
He sits on his back door step drinking a beer
And the best friend he has by him is sitting near.

His Dog Is His Best Friend

She loves and lives with another now his former wife
But his dog remains with him his true friend for life
And for as long as she lives his dog with him will stay
Just for a few pats and a feed every day.

If You Beat Your Dog

If you beat your dog what does this say of you
That to love and compassion you cannot be true
I pity your children and I pity your wife
With you they must have the most miserable life

Old Dog Hal

The farmer he felt sad the day
His poor old dog did pass away
The old dog his name it was Hal
He was the farmer's truest pal.

The Dog Of Despair Is With You

The dog of despair is with you and from you won't go away
And you feel the World's against you and you're having a bad day
But you are not the only one to feel this way I once heard a wise woman say
That for every worry we know as we age a hair of gray.

To Janice From Her Dog

I'm Janice's dog and I belong to Janice and I go by what she say
She's my owner and possessor and her orders I obey,
She's my master and I'm her canine and I do what she ask me to do
And I like my lady owner and I think she likes me too.

Stray Dog Story

Though no one may care to read my story
I too had my days of glory
Moments when a glowing pride
Kindled within in me inside.

Four Schoolboys And A Dog

The countryside around wore Summer colours
The haycocks in mown meadows standing white
And the pasture fields surrounded by green hedgerows
Resplendent in the afternoon sunlight.

To Damian Who Buried His Dog 'Miss'

He buried poor old 'miss' in the backyard
And on her shovelled earth he swallowed hard
And struggled just to keep the tears at bay
And this for him perhaps his saddest day.

The Dog's Name I Remember

I spoke to him for a brief while just a few weeks ago
And he had with him on a leash his border collie 'Joe'
And today i met them on the street i stopped to say hello
But the man's name I'd forgotten and the dog's name i did know.

Drifter's Lament For His Dog

I sit here beholding
The wild flowers unfolding
On this pleasant morning in May
On hedgerows and bushes

Lines On The Death Of A Favourite Dog

I'll not be seeing him anymore
Sitting by the back porch door
My border collie 'Bobelleen'
A truer friend there's never been.

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