Dwayne Rankin

Dwayne Rankin Poems

I looked and saw, one lonely night,
Where 'cross the heavens, softly lie,
Bright burning points of light,
Strewn across and endless sky.

As I go into the Night (with a smile upon my face)
by Dwayne Leon Rankin

Give me sunshine on a streaming brook,

I wandered through, alone and lost;
Upon the sea found tempest tossed.
I looked to Him for love and hope;
As well His strength that I may cope.

They said that house was haunted;
The one on Shady Hill.
Desolate, unwanted;
alone it stood so still.

The sky was such a darkened hue;
Of billowing clouds and deepened blue.
But still some light doth filter through,
Upon the fields and forest, green.

When he was just a little lad,
The best of times, those times he had.
Outside his parents country home;
Those country fields there would he roam.

A snap in the air from that autumn breeze;
The stream that flowed, heard down below.
Mixed all within those autumn trees;
Brought beauty to this bright autumn show.

All across these wondrous lands;
Across are found, all laid with care.
Are stands of trees in far flung band,
As woodlands found so fair.

One day I thought to take a walk,
With winter coming soon.
On past the creek and through the woods,
That early afternoon.

With skies so blue; so bright to see;
With the sun; its shining light.
It brings within a feeling of glee,
Now that, gone is the night.

I always find good company
When spending time with good ol' Me.
And with Myself in friendship bound,
More good company of I is found.

Two lover's meet when daylight ends,
To meet once more when day begins.
Two lover's meet with fleeting touch;
Their love, this moment wins.

The sky was see as overcast;
The land half hid within a mist.
A day of joy and self release;
To bring a sense of blissful peace.

There is a place of great delight,
Where mermaids all are found.
Where imaginations all takeflight,
And unicorns abound.

He looked into that deep abyss,
And felt himself begin to fall.
He felt the dark, its gentle kiss;
He heard it softly call.

He looked out o'er that empty space,
And there he saw within that place.
That vast and lonely spacious land;
Filled with beauty, peace, and grace.

Like the rising of the day,
Comes the setting of the sun.
When the light then fades away;
When the day is finally done.

The Best Poem Of Dwayne Rankin

Starry Nights

I looked and saw, one lonely night,
Where 'cross the heavens, softly lie,
Bright burning points of light,
Strewn across and endless sky.

Set against that velvet screen.
To all, it beauty did extol.
This night so fair, mine eyes have seen,
To sooth my aching, weary soul.

What vision sent so vast and fair,
From younger heavens far above.
What wonders set with boundless care
To show God's path to perfect love.

Now heavenward my thoughts take flight,
Toward that vast celestial home.
Outward found this starry night;
The glories seen of Heavens done

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