Francis Duggan Poems

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Of More Of Selfless People

Of more of selfless people the Human World is in need
Those who for their future good karma every day plant the seed
On helping those in need of their help they go out of their way
Without expecting the reward of money for pay

Some People Are Born To Life

Some people are born to life to die young
And some live to die old and in death are unsung
Though they were good people and never harmed anyone in any way
They are not remembered by many today

Life Is All That Does Matter

We read and hear of talented people but in truth one can say
The greatest gift they have they share with everyone living today
They may boast of their talents and their worldly success
But life is the greatest gift they do possess

Your Greatest Friend

It is only in a dog for it's master such devotion you will find
Unconditional love is not of human kind
You may lose the love of your husband or your partner or wife
But your dog will be your friend until the end of it's life

The Best You Can

The saying live and let live remains relevant and true
And always give credit to whom it is due
The one who takes pleasure on putting others down
Is never the most popular one in the town

On You Life It Is Not Easy

On you life it is not easy better times don't come your way
You work so hard for low wages for you never easy pay
With a wife and three young children to support and clothe and feed
A better job and better wages you most certainly would need

Life Does

The longest lived life in time not a long span
On average a few years more for a woman than it is for a man
But the longer you live the sooner you will die
A mere fact of life and fact never lie

The Town's Noisemakers

Revving the engines of their six cylinder cars they make a lot of noise
Though in their early twenties they do have the minds of boys
Their car stereos blaring loud as they race up and down
Their swollen egos on display on the streets of the town

Those Of The God Within

What I do not know of i cannot deny
Though cannot say of the truth in this god in the sky
I believe everybody is born untainted by sin
But sadly some in life lose their god within

Australia The Big Amazing Land

The big Land of many shades of brown and green
Of amazing flora and fauna nowhere else to be seen
That from the nearest Country in distance is far away
For to describe Australia are there words for to say

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