Frederick Amazing Poems

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The Journey Of Life

Life is a journey, winding and long
A path we all must walk along
There will be hills and valleys to traverse
And obstacles that may make us swerve

The Spartan Soldier

In ancient Greece, a legend stands
Of warriors fierce and stoic bands
The Spartans, known for strength and might
In battle, they would always fight.

The Fearless Heart

In the midst of all life's chaos and strife,
There beats a heart that's fearless, full of life.

Unafraid to take on any challenge or task,

Equal Right

In a world where all should be free,
Equal rights must be the key.
No matter race, religion, gender or more,
All should have an equal score.

Change The World

In a world full of turmoil and strife,
Change is needed to reshape our life.
A calling for those who are strong and bold,
To take a stand and break the mold.

Something Extraordinary Is Possible

Something extraordinary is possible,
Yes, it is truly plausible;
It may seem out of reach,
But with effort, it's within our speech.

The Beautiful Heart

Within each chest a heart beats strong,
A vessel that propels us along,
A glowing, pulsing organ of life,
Beating throughout our days and nights.

The Resilient Heart

The Resilient Heart

In the face of life's hardships and pain,
The heart may crack and break in twain.

The Good Machine

The good machine, how wondrous and bright
A marvel of engineering, a true delight
It works tirelessly day and night
Giving us power and light

The Comfortable Zone

The comfortable zone, a place so serene
Where everything is familiar and clean
A place of comfort and security
A place where we can be who we want to be

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