Fubara Benstowe

Fubara Benstowe Poems

You made me believe it was okay.
You made me feel accepted.
As my ego slide down through my feet
To say i am sorry

I stood so weak and helpless
To see my sea runs dry
Like fishes stab with sickles and spears
offered holy baptism of hottest oils

O! This love like nets
Cast deep to rest
In harsh and still rivers
Rivers like pools

Oh! Princess of my extreme paradise
Petals of flamboyant
Nectars in your flowers will never fade away
As they will drip down the pores of my heavy chest

Beautiful are the pictures of sweet tomorrows
Beautiful are the future we hope to see
Beautiful are all sweet and tender

Dripping and oozing
They ooze like tears from a broken heart,
Flowing like tidal waves
along its course

Quivering and quivering
We quiver in our chilly beds
Like a sodium in a fresh water vessel
The comfort of night is drowned

The Best Poem Of Fubara Benstowe

Tears In My Heart

You made me believe it was okay.
You made me feel accepted.
As my ego slide down through my feet
To say i am sorry
And tears in my heart
flows so slow and calm
As the extent of my fury
Clicks a refined relief,

but a trace is left like scars
That Reminds of a day
in a white blue screen
A day i wish to forget
And finally forgive my self

So sad i prepare my tears
So sad i dwell in them
Even when i thought i was strong
To never let a drop
Hardly did i know
My heart was bleeding tears.

On knowing that
i am no longer in your list
It makes my heart cry
It Makes my blood boil
It makes my world to shrink.

My heart is hungry
Hungry for your forgiveness,
So that tears in my heart will seize
Seize to bleed again.
O! tears in my heart

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