Tears In My Heart Poem by Fubara Benstowe

Tears In My Heart

Rating: 4.0

You made me believe it was okay.
You made me feel accepted.
As my ego slide down through my feet
To say i am sorry
And tears in my heart
flows so slow and calm
As the extent of my fury
Clicks a refined relief,

but a trace is left like scars
That Reminds of a day
in a white blue screen
A day i wish to forget
And finally forgive my self

So sad i prepare my tears
So sad i dwell in them
Even when i thought i was strong
To never let a drop
Hardly did i know
My heart was bleeding tears.

On knowing that
i am no longer in your list
It makes my heart cry
It Makes my blood boil
It makes my world to shrink.

My heart is hungry
Hungry for your forgiveness,
So that tears in my heart will seize
Seize to bleed again.
O! tears in my heart

loNeLY AnGel 21 May 2010

awwwww.. this is very deep i can find so many words to tell you how beautiful this poem is. even the name gives it away. keep up the awesum poetry my friend :)

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Creatively written and enjoyable to read. Love; D

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Brian Arguello 14 June 2010

painful....i can feel it.....so i guess that means you did your job, you poet you

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Paul Judges 15 June 2010

Congratulations on your well composed poem.

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Ellen Ni Bheachain 01 May 2020

So sad and written from the heart.

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Pranab K Chakraborty 08 February 2011

My heart is hungry / Hungry for your forgiveness, So that tears in my heart will seize Seize to bleed again. / O! tears in my heart Strong...very strong the poetic personality you bear. Beautiful writing touches my own cry also. Keep your standard high to this height. Never I'll forget..MY HEART IS HUNGRY / HUNGRY FOR YOUR FORGIVENESS.....no escape I found here, but love is so loud....fantastic expression. Thank you.........more you write.......10++ Regards, pranab

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Mohammad Akmal Nazir 07 February 2011

Really fantastic. Vivid imagery and emotinal style. Nice write.

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Pepple Victor, Ida 21 June 2010

sincerly honest, beautifully evocative, uniquely outstanding..words are trite to describe the poem's beauty..., great POETS are born not made, hold fervently to your poetic aspirations. the concept of life is all about poetry..., write more to tell the world of the AFRICANS' inert 'poetic dreams'...that burns like the red ember in the kitchen...

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Leslie Ching 20 June 2010

A strong and evocative write. Quite similar to my own poem 'My Heart is Bruised Black and Blue' actually, keep following and writing from your heart. -Leslie

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Fubara Benstowe

Fubara Benstowe

Bonny Island, Rivers State Nigeria
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