James Greene

James Greene Poems

Friends and family love you no matter what you do,
Friends and family Always help each other though.
Having wonderful people to help you along,
They encourage and inspire you to stay strong.

To a very lovely lady,
That I have come to know.
Oh darling I do pray,
That this love will continue to grow.

As I awaken each and every day,
Thoughts of love turn to you;
An unbreakable bond between us,
A special love ever so true.

You my sweet love,
I miss ever so much.
The softness of your lips,
And your warm loving touch.

To you my special friend,
You have become to me so dear.
Many times when I have felt down,
You've lifted me up,

Thoughts run through me,
These I scarcely can believe.
Just pouring out my heart,
In my sorrow, I must grieve.

To you my sweet one I want to say,
My love for you grows more intense each and every day.

Ah! my sweet love,
What we were looking for,
We both truly have found.
Within each of us, what we so adore.

There was a time I lived in sorrow and dread,
My heart was so black and my soul was dead.
You came into my life with a heart full of love,
As though you were a sweet angel,

My heart is in darkness,
Each and every day.
All is so dreadful,
Nothing goes my way.

I have found a special Lady,
To whom I've opened up my heart
She is now my brand new sister,
Our loving bond will never part.

Whenever I try,
To send you an email,
Many times it seems to fail.
I soon get a message,

I know men are supposed to ask the girl out.
Would it be so bad if I asked him?
Maybe it'd scare him, maybe I should wait,
No I'm going to ask him out and see.

To a very special lady
Who is my one true love
God sent you to love me,
From the light of heaven above.

I have been one acquainted with the night,
That is when I want to take you baby and hold you tight.
Remembering the wonderful times we have spent together,
Our hearts so full of love and our spirits light as a feather.

Shifting to change my way,
In the same old direction every day.
Need to move and get out of this town,
Never smile, I find my self wearing a frown.

For my dear friend, whom I know so well
To me you have always meant so much;
When you are down and out, or feeling blue
Just lean on me, I'll be your crutch.

The music's so loud and people dancing all around,
She stands across the floor, I need to ask her to dance.
Her eyes are a glow with the festive sound.
'My lady, would you do me the honor by chance? '

Whenever I am missing you,
I just look into my heart.
It is there that I feel you with me,
A special love that shall never depart.

My heart is in darkness,
Hopes and dreams we've had.
So totally shattered,
You say our past, has not really mattered.

James Greene Biography

Hi, My name is James and I live in Southern Cal. I just started writing back in June, of 2006 My poetry writing style is fairly simplistic, but I do write from my heart. Most of my poems express the feelings and emotions that I have felt in real life experiences. I am single and un attached. My interests include reading, Nascar, A few of the TV crime dramas, and movies and chatting with online friends and of course reading and writing poetry.)

The Best Poem Of James Greene

Friends And Family

Friends and family love you no matter what you do,
Friends and family Always help each other though.
Having wonderful people to help you along,
They encourage and inspire you to stay strong.

Friends and family are the trees of strength,
When you need their help, they'll go to any length.
They never judge you, just give you lots of love,
What wonderful blessings they are from God above.

Friends and family keep in touch,
You can lean on them, they'll be your crutch.
They email or call day by day
And for each other they always pray.

(James56/April 21 2007)

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