Justin Hendricks

Justin Hendricks Poems

I found you in a cold place.
You were hurt when I took you in.
And fell into your abounding grace.
Now I dont want this to end.

Today I managed to be so brave,
As to ask you for just a date,
But when I asked you on that day.
A warm spring day in the middle of May.

As I remember that fateful morning.
Of the death of a man I'd been lifelong adoring.
I got the news shortly after midnight.
And just knew it couldn't be right.

You keep pushing me away.
Then praying for me to stay.
But this day you pushed me too far.
It will now be just too hard,

Gazing upon the blood stains before me,
My heart skips a beat knowing what i've done.
Disappointing everyone that i see.
Maybe it's time to try a gun.

Erase you from my memory,
Is what I'll do tonight.
Forget the times we had.
Now I'll do whats right.

You make me angry no more.
Tonight you'll cry for what you loose.
It's something you can't get back.
My heart or yours? It's time to choose.

My feelings beyond what eyes can see.
My heart below the waters of love.
Drowning in deceit that holds the key.
To our future when we rise above.

Tear's fall on one dark night.
Remembering who lost the will to fight.
In this game we all call life.
They left us with only a knife.

Can you see the pain in my eyes?
What have I done to deserve this rage?
Why must I be the one who cries?
Why can't I seem to turn the page?

Listen to the river in my head.
Of thoughts and prayers that can't come true.
Is it enough with blood so red?
Or must I take this out on you?

Shallow fear creeps unto me
Cascading shadows once so far
Finally distort the pleasure I seek
My home is empty, dead, and bleak

One is an emo, one is a prep.
One wants to die, one wants to accept.
One wants to cry, One wants to cheer.
One wants no life, One wants no fear.

Now I've jumped there's no retreat.
I can't believe I accomplished such a feat.
The days grew long and much to hard.
And now i took it much to far.

Now wake up and see them all.
Are they really what you thought?
Or are they just making you fall.
Into yourself in which you fought.

Footsteps unheard down this old road.
Only the laughter of all my mistakes.
Mistakes I made that only showed.
A less than human image no one fakes.

There is no love in your web of lies.
Only hate that cannot be replaced.
Nor is there any lust in your crys.
Only trust thats forever defaced.

My bloods filled with sorrow.
Drowning you within my despair.
Loving like there's no tomorrow.
Even if you do not care.

If you gaze into my heart.
You might could make it start.
But these demons found it first.
As I can only assume the worst.

Alone again, Just another day.
A day in a life that has no meaning,
or reason for me to stay,
just constant cold sharp feelings.

Justin Hendricks Biography

Im 15 and been writing poetry for about a year, though i didnt get serious until the winter of 09/10. I was having major realationship issues and deaths and found it to be a better way to deal with the pain. I wrote most of my work in December Of 09 but have wrote periodically since. Please don't be too harsh I know some really suck. Im just trying to get my feelings out there.)

The Best Poem Of Justin Hendricks

A Dream Of Us

I found you in a cold place.
You were hurt when I took you in.
And fell into your abounding grace.
Now I dont want this to end.

Your heart beats beside mine.
Our bodies entwined for all of time.
Moments like this are more than fine.
Even if it may be a crime.

Your kiss puts me in a trance.
In a place of love and hope.
Together forever we'll dance.
And even tend to maybe grope.

Then I wake without you here.
and begin cry on this cold floor.
Alone in these cold tears.
I wait for you once more.

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