Kev Elmer

Kev Elmer Poems

A moment of passion so easily shared,
with no fear or regret.
The memories flood through my mind,
a moment of passion I'll never forget.

Hate is a feeling that boils with rage.
Hate is a feeling you lose with age.
Hate is a feeling that eats inside.
Hate is a feeling we all should hide.

From ashes to ashes, from dust to dust.
You'll rise again, in this I'll trust.
You're in our hearts, 'till the end.
We will meet again, depart my friend.

Isn't is sad when an angel cries?
Small pearl drops fall from the skies,
holy water flows in tears,
human burdens their only fears.

Out of my cut the blood will creap
on my knees I begin to weap
watchin the blood fall over my arm
washing away all the harm

Many parts to my broken heart,
from the day when it fell apart.
My whole world came crashing down,
but its fell with out a sound.

I'm thinking of you before I sleep,
I'm dreaming of you before I wake,
I'm thinking of you all the time,
I'm dreaming of you to be mine.

Red is the rose, just for you
Eleven to hold, one for the heart too.

Blue is the air, we call it the skys,


I see a blade upon the floor,
I pick it up to use some more.
This blood stained blade is mine again,
It's simply now just a question of when.

This is to the one I love,
although I can never show it!
Everyday I grow in fear,
that she will never know it!

For I am only human,
and I've made mistakes,
but I'll stand tall,
and do whatever it takes.

If your life was about to end,
what sort of message would you send?
Would it be of heaven, the place to be?
Or would it be of love for people to see?

Feelings and emotions,
that will never last,
we should put them behind us,
back in to the past,

Plastic surgery is such a waste,
as everyone has a pretty face.
Its a contagious desease,
happening all over the place.

Wanting to die, my life must end,
wishing for this pain to ease,
no one hears the calls I send,
I'm begging for some help, please!

The breeze that pushes gently past,
as we stand here together,
wanting this moment to last,
dreaming of it forever.

Stood on the side lines,
watching life pass me by.
Then you walked on past,
and really caught my eye.

Love is evil
Love is blind
Love is gentle
Love is kind

As I look out the window,
on this cold night,
remembering our time together,
our dreams now out of sight.

If I write a poem on love,
in love I may not be.
If I write a poem on hate,
I may not actually hate them.

Kev Elmer Biography

All poems on here I've wrote myself. Feel free to leave any comments, even if its to say you dislike(but please say way you dislike) . No coments are ever deleted. Thanks for taking the time to read my work.)

The Best Poem Of Kev Elmer

A Moment Of Passion

A moment of passion so easily shared,
with no fear or regret.
The memories flood through my mind,
a moment of passion I'll never forget.

A moment of passion is like a drug,
it takes me so high.
Needing to get another fix,
a moment of passion can never lie

A moment of passion when we are alone,
you desire it too.
Unable to control it,
a moment of passion shared with you.

Kev Elmer Comments

dfghj bjkhlkh 24 April 2006

this is a very good poem i like it a lot

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dfghj bjkhlkh 24 April 2006

this is a very good poem i like it a lot

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