Kim Barney
I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit

Kim Barney Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Chess Problem 111

It's time again
for one small test.
It's White to move.
What is his best?

Lost An Eye?

I wanted to write a poem with a simile,
and tried for a long while.
Somewhere, somehow, it lost an 'i'
and all I had left was a smile.


I sat down at my desk to write;
I'd had great thoughts from early dawn,
but suddenly I'm not so bright:
the thoughts I'd had all day are gone!

Always Good For Something

My old school marm, whose knowledge was ample,
had wit also, and here is a sample:
She once said, with some tact,
seeing all that I lacked,

Snot Funny

Perhaps you have wondered
or even yet, pondered
words pertaining to 'nose',
and the list, it just grows.

Eddie And The Dragon

This is not a poem.

It is the true story of a person I will call Eddie.
That is not his real name. I chose that name because back in those days I did not know anyone named Eddie.

Limerick: Cluttered Kitchen

My wife says I need my own den;
She's said it again and again,
For she's always bitchin'
I clutter the kitchen

What Really Happened In The Garden Of Eden

God said Adam, What have you done?
Adam said, I'm not the only one!
The woman made me make a mistake.
Then Eve said, It was caused by the snake.

Mystery Flowers 16

Limerick: Goats In A Tree

I once saw many goats in a tree,
And I asked myself, how can that be?
Is my brain on the loose?
Is he here, Doctor Seuss?

Kim Barney
I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit
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