krishnakumar chandrasekar nair

krishnakumar chandrasekar nair Poems

I was too hesitant to come
You were too hesitant to call
Times chariot went speeding by
Now curtains have begun to fall....

Do not cry or say good bye
As I disappear with the evening shades
To some promised land to bide

Oh, give me those dusty bookshelves of the past
Where books held raptures that would last
A dry crushed flower or perhaps a frayed leaf
A worm eaten love story with an ending so neat

Hiroshima happened, Nagasaki happened
No lessons were learnt, no one remembers
How very beautiful crystal clear mornings
Of singing birds, rosy cheeked schoolkids

When my time is up and gone
And I’m no longer on face book
Or no longer on the twitter page
Do not cry for me, please.......

Why do galleries often roar
When the master blaster comes to bat?
Why do hairs stand end on end
At every ball he so gallantly whacks?

Each day God gives us a fresh canvass white
On it we have the freedom to paint it right
With either warm colours of compassion true
Or in cold dark shades of grey or of sepia hue

26/10/10 a poets funeral

On a very humid Tuesday morning
A cavalcade of cars slowly move by

From that lap you once so heartlessly cast me
Oh mother to those turbulent waters of fate
In a velvet basket sans a mothers warmth
Or that primordial taste of her breast soft

When God saw suffering multiply
He sent his best angel down
And to the needy she did fly
Wearing compassion's crown

On a heavily smudged and slow fading image
Of a grey moth eaten college magazine page
She still stands so frozen in time
The one I once wanted to be mine

Some saw undulating hills of bliss
And a stream and a waterfall
They that saw them were lovers and poets
But of no no future consequence at all

From the shores of intense suffering
After being tossed about days and nights
Like a boat tethered to the shores of grief

I wonder what he does
Between catches and kills
Waiting, patiently waiting
On that ornate web- his design

Pots and pans, Pots and pans,
This is all I've got to do
Cook and wash the live long day
A girl child whose future is doomed.

Science, love and tech lifted them
Ten thousand feet into the air sailing smooth
Science, hate and tech brought them down
Ten thousand feet in pieces of flesh and metal crude

On whom the errant coconut falls
And bring to a close his living days
To him dame ill luck will wickedly smile
Even as sprawled on the road he lays

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
Somebody the ambulance did call
And he found himself in the casualty hall

Election time is here
The same old devils
Back on our sidewalk walls
Pasted, grinning at you and me

In this world of increasing divinity
There is so little sense of humanity
Dead, all want the heaven they love
Nobody wants to create it here and now

krishnakumar chandrasekar nair Biography

Grey bearded and grey headed Ever focusing on life through bifocals Gliding into the youth of old age Close to a fifty you might say I write to douse an inner rage And judge it well as you may But I’ll write as one who will never age Of mountains or mole hills on the page Other other trivialities that occur every day Some of sense and more of non sense Mine is not to question whence But put pencil on paper and dispense Words and rhymes in their true essence Such is my tale very briefly told And now as I feel I’m getting old Hope to improve on these and hold My graying grey cells in logic's fold...... I passed out with a diploma in Mech Engg in the year 1984 from govt polytechnic kottayam. I did not have the IQ or EQ (intellectual and emotional) to become a full fledged engineer but enjoyed life in those hallowed corridors with politics, polytricks, love and its absence and of course with the sweat and grime of metal work in the machine shop along with the rigors of stresses and strains of applied mechanics etc....)

The Best Poem Of krishnakumar chandrasekar nair

A Love Affair That Never Was....

I was too hesitant to come
You were too hesitant to call
Times chariot went speeding by
Now curtains have begun to fall....

krishnakumar chandrasekar nair Comments

Geetha Jayakumar 18 December 2013

Poet Krishnakumar Chandrasekar Nair, (Krishi nair) My words are very few to describe him Though very few poems I have come across His many poems are based on realities of society. Unfolds truth in a very passionate way. All his comments comes in a poetic way. He interprets poems in an amazing way. He is one of the talented and vibrant poet. His all poems are unique in all the ways. It’s really the valuable gift you are blessed with. Wishing you all the best. May you keep on adding many feathers to the poetic world. God Bless!

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krishnakumar chandrasekar nair Quotes

A poem a day will keep the psychiatrist far away...

Not all tadpoles will evolve into royal frogs....

where there is a will, there will be a crooked way.... living in these times

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