Lenore Lee

Lenore Lee Poems

Monkeys looking like a man could be,
Climbing to get the fruit off of the tree.
Isn't that just like a human?
What makes them different to us?

Functioning is difficult when in shock
Untimely end has come for all
Lack of food
Lack of hope

When I ask others what they believe they say
"I'm a Christian, Jesus is my saviour"
"I'm an atheist, when I die I lie in a hole"
"I'm a Buddhist, I believe in peace"

I once came across a rather ordinary man
Who believed in being perfectly normal
He smiled at me and took my hand
And kissed it in a manner quite formal

I believe ability makes us intelligent, it distinguishes us from animals
I believe all have the ability to learn, to create art, to love
I believe we can let our ability go to waste, or we can let it flourish
I believe our ability that makes us human is our intelligence and good judgement

Your eyes are glistening with unshed tears
I've watched you grow through all these years
I can't comfort you, I don't know how
Though I wish to stop your pain right now

Everyone kneels as you walk into the room,
It seems as if you’re made of gloom.
Mist for body, shadows for clothes,
Who you are everybody knows.

Pennywise the clown just won't die
It is evil enough to make me sigh
It says It wants to make me float
Just like Georgie's paper boat

I look upon my Nanna's shallow form,
Her sunken eyes show an unending storm.
Tubes stuck in her arms, neck and belly,
She strains her eyes to watch the telly.

I look down at the people, I worry about their woes
I worry about their joys, their friends, their foes
I worry about their lives and the way they live it
I worry about their dreams and wonder if they’ll heed it

'I went to a party mum,
I know what you'd say.
You'd say not to drink mum,
But I drank anyway.

I look around this joyful room,
Amongst the peaceful teens
This is perhaps the only class
Where students are not machines

I’m not like other children my age.
The children my age are precarious fools,
Whose actions are unjustified.
I don’t understand why they do as they do,

I cry and I don't know why,
I vent and stress,
I struggle in a mess,
I scream and feel frustrated,

A teardropp falls from a lady's eye,
Misery seeps into her being,
She gives a deep, breathy, longing sigh,
And dreams about believing.

Inside our house you'll find crannies and nooks.
Crevices and cracks and fissures and books!
Books under the bed and on the floor,
Books around the table and beside the door,

Do not conform to the ways
‘The ways' are but a way to capture your spirit,
To break your heart,
To kill your soul.

A land of peace is overrated.
The dream of it is seriously out-dated,
Because peace is truly non-existent
The dream of it is only ever lent

In the beginning everyone had:
Two heads,
Two hearts,
Two personalities

Man considered dumb,
Retardation sufferer.
Lost inside the world.

The Best Poem Of Lenore Lee


Monkeys looking like a man could be,
Climbing to get the fruit off of the tree.
Isn't that just like a human?
What makes them different to us?

Female tigers protecting their cubs,
While the male goes hunting in the shrubs.
Isn't that just like a human?
What makes them different to us?

Puppies barking at the sound of danger,
To protect their home from a stranger.
Isn't that just like a human?
What makes them different to us?

Birds chirping back and forth,
Sounds like talking for what it's worth.
Isn't that just like a human?
What makes them different to us?

People fighting for no reason,
People enjoying all of the teasing.
Isn't that just like an animal?
What makes us different to them?

Lenore Lee Comments

Crimson Love 12 October 2011

A poet, unserpassed, in her poems and in the ways she greets, It is a pleasure to know a poet such as Lenore, Her works representing true emotion, She has a burning passion deeper than that of crimson, her words are long lasting, and so shall are friendship be, an amazing poet, of an age so young, adding to the intelligence of youth, showing all no matter the age, we are all children when it comes to poetry. :)

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Abdallah Gamal 01 June 2012

One the most amazing persons on the earth, a nice friend, a wise girl, and a respectful woman, beside her best writes.

2 1 Reply
Jessie Hopkins 18 December 2011

You are a wonderfully talented writer and I hope you continue to bless us all with your works of art. For that is what you have created. Art. Poems full of beauty, passion, hardships. I don't even write this great and I hope to do so one day. Please, continue. It will be sad day for many if you stop.

3 1 Reply
Speechless Melody 15 December 2011

you my friend are an amazing poet, youre words deep and so full of emotion. i love reading your poems and your stories you need to continue to write poetry and excell this as a career.

3 1 Reply
Hope Anderson 14 December 2011

you sound like a really great poet writer even better then me if i can say and i try to be nice to people but if they push my button its another story, but you lenore lee is a great aw some poet writer and i'm really serious when i say this i don't lie about things like this i'm telling the truth and non thing but the truth: +) : +) : +)

4 1 Reply
Stefanie Fontker 17 October 2011

It is this wise soul, That only truth visits. Underneath a blanket Of loving warmth And invincible friendship, I have just lain. And I do hope to stay, If only for a few moments Longer than I should.

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