Lucia Domingos Fula

Lucia Domingos Fula Poems

When things go wrong
and you think your beaten, you are.
If you like to win but think you can't,
It's almost a cinch you won't.

At times I wish, I could just run and never come back. At times I think I wish I could be invisible or be in disguise.
No matter what happens. I still have these feelings inside me and it is killing me softly.
All I want to do is close my eyes and pass peacefully.
I see the pain I cause you, with every tear I shed.

Mother you have been my rock since I was a baby, you been there for me.
You stood beside me. Through the good and bad moments.

Thank you for being there.

Look at me,

Tell me what you see

You are my candle, my love!
You are everything to me;
you are the lover of my life!
You are the moon and I’m the stars!


is not the imperfection -finder
of the world. Peace
is the error -mender

Oh what beauty you hold,
Where every country has a paradise dying to be discovered.
Oh mama Africa,
The land of diamond and gold,


Faith is wisdom and it is very powerful.
With calmness we start our aim
With personal faith we continue
With strong faith we score our goal.

Cancer cannot burn love,
Cancer cannot even shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith,
It can't take away peace.

This is dedicated to a friend, who is very close and special to me,

Shanel kamara
You are my friend, my sister and best peer that is true,

I’m black in the inside and I’m white in the outside.
People call me black white sheep, some call me stupid and some say weird.
Just because I have pale skin and my eyes don’t see clearly. It doesn’t make me any different than you.
I’m still human.and I do what humans do.

Life is a puzzle that challenges the master mind
Life is a struggle
Life is commitment
Life is a mystery

There’s a time to be born, a time to die
A time to laugh, a time to eat
A time to cry, time to be quiet,
A time to love, time to hate.

this is dedicated to my sister Joana fula.

I love my sister because she is crazy, hyper, funny, I love my sister because no matter what she is always there for me.

Every time I wake up my mornings it doesn’t feel the same without you.
Every time when I wake up I feel like something is missing and I feel empty.
Every night I fall asleep
I sleep in hopes of dreaming,

Some friends come into our lives and quickly go.
Some friends come and trouble our life.
Some friends motivate our souls to dance.
They awaken us to new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom.

I kneel down today, to seek for your ear
As I need you to hear
What I’m about to say.
I kneel down today, begging for mercy

I never thought that I’m gonna miss you,
The friend I cherish and treasure like you.
I really never thought that I’m gonna miss you, But here I am feeling empty without you.
Every day I when I wake up I think of you and cannot stop missing you, More as time spreads open like a sea.

Don't ever be reluctant
to show your feelings.
Don't ever be afraid to try new things,
you might be surprised at the results.

Lucia Domingos Fula Biography

Hi there, My real name is Lucia Fula but I prefer the name Luzia i say this because I was name after My Late Grandma luzia.I'm 16 years old and I love writing poems in my spare time. I also love singing and acting and dancing especially.I also love reading and beatboxing. I'm hyper, crazy, shy, quiet a lot, sometimes loud, soft and sometimes very hard.i'm very emotional aswell. Anyways if you want to stay in contact with me these are the links: My Twitter account is: Domingos Fula My Facebookpage is: Lucia Domingos Fula THANK YOU.GOD BLESS, PEACE AND ONE LOVE!)

The Best Poem Of Lucia Domingos Fula

When Things Go Wrong

When things go wrong
and you think your beaten, you are.
If you like to win but think you can't,
It's almost a cinch you won't.
But if you change the way you think
and try to do what you always aimed for, you can.
For it is there inside you
All of the potential you need
To be whatever you want to be;
and all of the energy
To do whatever you want to do.Even though at times it may seem too
difficult to continue, but still hold on to your dream.
Just take life one step at a time
and continue working towards your dreams and within a blink of an eye, you will wake up one day to find
That you are the person you've always dreamed of,
Doing what you wanted to do,
Simply because you had the courage
To believe in your potential
And to hold on to your dream.
But remember that it all depends on you,
so work to make your dreams come true.

Peace and Love,

Lucia Domingos Fula Comments

Richard Harries 01 October 2010

You are excellent at expressing emotions and writing about human relationships.

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Claudia Krizay 27 May 2010

I like your poem about your friend Shane. It is kind of like the one below that I wrote about my friend, Marjie. i wish to share it with you personally- so here goes- enjoy! Claudia Friend (For Marjorie) My life is a puzzle that challenges the mastermind, and the Love I feel for you is deeper than the well of silence… When I look up into the sky, I see clouds obliterate the rays of the sun, though You are the gentle breeze that blows those clouds away, as You capture the rain, my tears- in your loving hands, And transform them to dewdrops that glisten in The sunshine at the dawning of each new day. My soul dances inside of a stallion and inside of the exterior of a Playful and innocent child, my heart weeps and trembles and The voice of my spirit chortles although at times screams out in terror, but the Voices that plague my troubled mind will not be silenced... You are the brightest star of all of the constellations that shine upon My dark world, and the gentle hand that wipes my tears away, The jester that makes me laugh, and the song that moves me to tears… Claudia Krizay

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